One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2393: What are you going to do with her?

Chapter 2393 What are you going to do with her?

Hao Yu looked at him, not cold or hot, no trace of nostalgia on his face.

For Mu's, there is no lack of feelings. From the day he became a special assistant to Mu Yazhe, he has vowed that he will never leave if he is not disintegrated.

However, Mu Yazhe is no longer in Mu, so his retention is meaningless.

His heartfelt heart is never for Muh, but for Muja.

Song Enya also lived. She was no stranger to Yunyu. When she first saw him, at that time, Haoyu was only an administrative assistant next to Mu Yazhe, and he was promoted all the way to the confidant. Mu Yazhe is loyal, so it is not unexpected to see him resign.

Mu Yuchen glanced at Haoyu with a disgusting look. After a deep look at him, he suddenly sneered and sneered. "Mu Yazhe has a good heart dog!"

For his humiliation, Haoyu does not seem to be in the heart, but is expressionless. "Is it a good dog, it doesn't matter, even a dog, I also recognize the Lord. Not to mention, good dogs. Recognize the Lord."

After waiting for Haoyu to finish, Mu Yuchen was cold and cold. "If I refuse to sign this report?"

Haoyu is not slow and honest, "I will unilaterally cancel the contract with your company."

Mu Yuchen unexpectedly widened his eyes, his face was incredible, and he was very angry and laughed. "What do you say!?"

"Whether you sign or not sign this contract, if you do not sign, then follow the rules and regulations of your company. All employees of Mu's work are completed five days, according to dismissal."

After that, Hao Yu paused, and nodded extremely elegantly, and hooked his lips. "Yu Chen, the young master, just left."

When the voice fell, Haoyu smiled and turned around with no expression. He walked back to the door without looking back. He did not care about Mu Qichen’s incomparable face at the moment, and turned around.

Mu Yanchen's face suddenly couldn't be hanged, although the elegant manners could not be maintained at the moment, and he slammed and slammed. "Stop! I let you go!?"

Clinker, Hao Yu did not return, even if he did not hear his words, he would open the door and go away.

"Oh--", the door slammed shut and sizzled.

Mu Yanchen's face muscles twitched for a while, his eyes were sullen and stunned, he turned his teeth and turned around, glanced at the resignation report on the table, slammed it up, shredded it, huddled, thrown into it. The trash can.

Song Enya looked at his every move and took a long sigh of relief. Then he said, "Mu Yuchen, you haven't answered my words yet!? Meng Qingxue, what are you going to do?"

At this moment, she still feels angry, for the sake of Meng Qingxue.

She originally thought that it was just a woman who was stalked by Mu Yuchen, and she was educated. She also learned that this man is outside, there are many women, some are tender. Some of them are entertainment circles, and even students have played.

However, the most irritating is not these.

No, this Meng Qingxue was under her instigation. After she left, this Mu Yuchen had specially spent her mind to find her whereabouts!

What does this mean?

This shows that Mu Yuchen pays special attention to Meng Qingxue.

Pay attention to let her give birth to a few points of uneasiness!

(End of this chapter)

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