Chapter 2396 is finally getting what you want!

Or, this is not a dream, but in the imagination, the succession ceremony is probably not going to be done satisfactorily!

There must be someone who will make him a blind man!

However, until this day, Mu's succession ceremony was held as scheduled. At the shareholders' meeting, under the witness of all the important members of Mujia and the senior shareholders of Mu's, he officially became the new president of Mu's.

Until the next meeting, he walked into the office, the original luxurious president's office, cleaned up, and the nameplate on the table has been replaced by his name, his chest is like a dreamy glow of an unspeakable glow. !

This is really a wish!

He became the real person who is the master of Mousse!

Although, he knew in his heart, although on the surface he is the leader of Mu's, in fact, the power is still in the hands of Mu Linfeng!

But this is not anxious.

Mu Linfeng's body bones are not as strong as before. This power is a moment, and for a moment, when it is gone, the real power is back to his hands. !

He is finally comfortable!

In this way, I finally satisfied the ambiguous thoughts in his heart!

Instead of sitting in the office for a long time, he left the office and patrolled the staff area.

When he passed through a row of employee work areas, but the elite of the suits and men who came face to face, looking at his gaze, from the beginning of disdain and questioning, until the moment of awe and bowing, he can feel, look Wherever they are, the courtesy and flattering of those staff members.

This is probably the charm of power? !

Everyone will bow down to him, and he will be awe, and his will will not be dare.

Therefore, so many people in the Mu family, wanting to climb up unscrupulously, squatting in this position, is nothing more than this moment, standing at the peak, let everyone worship, look up!

Standing on the top of the highest, you will find that when overlooking the foot, everyone will be as small as dust, such as ants, mortal beings, he seems to be free to smash round!

For this moment, he waited for so long!

Now I am finally getting what I want!

Thinking of this, Mu Yuchen wants to laugh out loudly, but the reason has restrained such an impulse. He finally managed to maintain his introversion and calmness as his identity and returned to the president's office!

After experiencing the turmoil of the stock market's continued plunge, Mu's succession, despite doubts, is more of a savior!

However, many elite employees of the veteran level have no confidence in Mu Yuchen.

If you change to the former, when Mu Yazhe manages the company, looking at the financial consortiums around the world, there is probably no family enough to be like this!

However, it is different now!

Mu Yazhe left the company, and took over the position of the president of the Shengyu Group. He made a very beautiful turnaround. Now, ambitious, the momentum is rapidly rising and becoming a rookie consortium. Dear!

This is a miracle!

And this miracle, except for Mu Yazhe, probably no one can create such a myth!

Sheng Yu Group, this is the existence of Mu's love and hate, this is the biggest enemy of Mu's now!

The reason why it is love and hate, love is the character of the sacred priests who are now the masters of the family, they have always respected, and they are looking forward to the leader of the company;

(End of this chapter)

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