Chapter 2478, she is my loved one

Hua Jin twitched his eyebrows in confusion and his eyes were furious.

"She said... at the party that night, in the bathroom, Yun Shishi took the initiative to hook her boyfriend, is a shameless third party... This incident has been known to all the crew! Yun Shishi also Knowing this, but although she denied it, she could not produce substantial evidence! In the eyes of everyone... her behavior is like... equivalent to the default!"

"Fart!" Han Jin directly sweared. "This is a thing out of nothing! She is definitely not such a woman!"

Aside, the costumer quickly said, "Hua Jin, do you really like Yun Shishi? You should never be confused by her appearance! Everyone said that she is a new person and she has made so many gold resources. They all rely on the unspoken rules! Such a woman is not worthy of you! You deserve better!"

"What do you mean?!" Han Jinhong stared at her, angry, but he was extremely calm.

"The crew are all circulating, you like poetry, two people have a relationship, and even suspect that you are in the middle of the land... But Hua Jin, do you really understand her?! Ji Yan can't lie! Some women look on the surface It seems simple, but in fact?"

"Ji Yan..."

Hua Jin gnawed his name in silence, and then he carried it up and said, "I warn you, poetry is my most important person. If you are chewing on the back, there is nothing wrong with it, don't blame me!"

After that, he turned and hurried, not knowing where to go.


At the moment, in the lounge, Ji Yan was making up her makeup, and she heard a rush of footsteps from outside the door. She looked at the door and heard a loud alarm. She only heard the sound of "哐-", Hua Jin actually It’s a slap in the middle of the door, and it’s broken!

"Ji Yan, give me out!"

Ji Yan was shocked and stunned from the seat, and was horrified at the opposite of Huajin.

"Flower brocade?"

She glanced at the anger on his face and glanced at the broken door. The thick solid wood door panel was kicked out by several cracks.

At first glance, his body is weak, but I did not expect that such a slender skeleton of the juvenile has such a great power!

"what are you doing?"

Ji Yan looked at him with great vigilance. He always felt that there was a squally shower in his body. His eyes were bloodshot and seemed to be under anger.

"I heard that you are rumored to be a poem in the crew?!"

Hua Jin asked with a blank expression. "You said she is a third person. Are these rumors passed on?"

Ji Yan’s face stunned, and then he smiled shallowly and asked, “Do you say this? Isn’t this true?”

"The fact of shit!" Hua Jin burst into a thick mouth. "What is Gao Nan? He also has a match?! Even if her eyes are low in the dust, she will never look at this kind of thing!"


Ji Yan is like a smile and asks, "How do you know? Hua Jin, you seem to care about her, so care about her feelings, can't make it, wouldn't it be like her?"

Han Jinsai, for a long time, he said, "I am not the kind of relationship you think with poetry! She is my loved one."

"Family?" Ji Yan raised his eyebrows, but it was ridiculous.

"She is my most important person, so I will never allow you to insult her!"

"Oh! Interesting."

(End of this chapter)

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