Chapter 2485 is all a bureau

This piece of news broke out, the direction of public opinion, who is the most beneficial?

- Ji Yan.

Therefore, the behind-the-scenes master of this matter is not difficult to guess.

Why can you do this?

She just debuted, except for Gao Nan, and she had no innocence, is it necessary to commit suicide in order to Gao Nan?

In other words, the suicide of the wrist is just a show to cooperate with the show, and to add a few surprises to this scandal, and by the way to take the public's sympathy, such a show is undoubtedly very successful.

Online public opinion has fallen to the side of the party.

Most netizens who don’t know the truth have started to defend her, sympathize with her, and support her!

Can be used as an event center, she appeared as a "third party" face, it became a street mouse, everyone shouted.

Then she can be more determined about one thing.

Ji Yan is not really sincere about Gao Nan. The two people are just playing, and she has already laid a net and set up a bureau. She patiently waits for the prey to enter the game without knowing it.

And that prey is exactly her.

Gao Nan is just a piece of chess she used.

To put it bluntly, Gao Nan is a smoke bomb. At the party that night, she had designed the trap with great care. From that birthday party, the bureau officially began.

Immediately after the next day, she went to the crew to render the incident and carefully portrayed her image as a third person who intervened in other people's feelings, causing the sympathy of the crew.

There are many small groups in the crew. Some staff members know that after some insiders, they will send these unconfirmed insiders and gossips as information to the paparazzi and get high rewards.

When the paparazzi grasps the clues, they will begin to crouch.

As for what Zhuo Ke will release on Friday.

Probably some photos that are not conducive to her public opinion?

For example - photos that look very close to Gao Nan.

That night, the bar was so messy. If you are interested in it, you will definitely buy the paparazzi in advance and stay at the bar.

Probably photographed her and Gao Nan in the bathroom?

Using some angles, even if she was arguing with Gao Nan at the time, the photos were dead and could not speak. Just picking a good angle, even if two people are blushing in the face, they can shoot extremely embarrassing results. .

Yun Shishi calmly analyzed a paragraph, and once she calmed down, her thinking was incomparably clear.

The development of things is probably not much different from her inference.

There may be discrepancies, but the access will not be too big.

This Ji Yan, really good intentions!

But why is she doing this?

Probably because she and her have a deep hatred that can't be resolved?

Well, it confirms her suspicion.

This Ji Yan is Yan Bingqing!

Yun Shishi and Xiao Xue spoke of their own conjectures. After listening to her analysis, Xiao Xue was somewhat confused.

After a long while on the phone, she was a little bit screaming and screaming, and she was extremely indignant. "Oh my God, is this in the heart of the palace? An entertainment circle, like the ancient harem, intrigue! So the dog blood!?"

"Things like this are happening every day. I haven't seen it."

Xiao Xue was silent for a long while, and suddenly sighed, "Poetry, you are a wise choice to quit the entertainment circle. This circle is not for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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