Chapter 2497 Mommy's scandal

In the past few days, he did not have much access to the Internet. In addition, Yun Shishi rushed to the crew early, sometimes he came back very late, so he did not notice the anomalies of these days.

On this day, Yun Shishi rushed to work at night, and there were two nights of drama that needed to be filmed, so he would not return home at night.

After school on the day, he went out to buy food on the way, and occasionally saw the entertainment newspaper that stopped selling.

He usually doesn't pay attention to the newspapers, and most of them go straight through. However, because the headlines in the newspapers are too eye-catching, a large photo of Yun Shishi is published, marked with a red circle, with a background A photo taken in a photo, the light is extremely dim, only vaguely identified, the heroine in the photo is his kiss Mommy.

The headline is - "The star of the "Green Fruit" became famous overnight, Xiaohuadan was derailed and immersed in the scandal."

He was shocked and rushed to the kiosk and glanced at it. He took out the change and bought the newspaper. He went home and read it carefully. The more he looked, the more angry he was.

Derailed, hooked / cited?

how is this possible?

For the time being, no matter whether Mommy is married or not, even if Mommy is not married to her, it will never happen.

Xiao Xiaochen just finished his homework and came out. He saw that You You was sitting on the sofa in a gloomy face. There was a newspaper on the table next to him. Under his curiosity, he reached out and took it. You Yu Yuguang was shocked by his Action, immediately stand up and grab it, "Don't look!"

Xiao Yuchen was shocked by his abrupt movement, widened his eyes and asked in confusion. "What happened? What can't be seen?"

Yu You grabbed the newspaper tightly and frowned. Suddenly, "The scandal about Mommy is fake. It is made by unscrupulous media. Don't look at it!"

"What? Mommy's scandal?"

Xiao Yuchen immediately reached for the grab, and Youyou was caught off guard. The newspaper in his hand was taken over by Xiao Xiaochen. He had no time to stop it. Xiao Xiaochen swept through the lines and saw the anger of the sky.

Under his anger, his hands shredded the newspaper indiscriminately, and became a paper ball, slamming on the ground.

"Who wrote this? What is this mess! Mummy hook / lead man?! How is it possible?! Who wrote it?"

Yu You’s eyes suddenly flashed, and immediately rushed into the study room and opened the computer. However, he only turned on the computer. The website suddenly displayed an unexpectedly closed webpage. He curiously opened the place, which was the full video of Ji Yan’s press conference. After playing the game, after a burst of buffering, it was completely presented to him.

Xiao Yuchen also followed the study and sat next to Youyou.

The two little guys were forced to anger and read the video completely.

Yu You saw the end, and he almost slammed the keyboard.

"Crazy! Scum! This is a rumor, it is awkward!" Youyou rushed to the ground, "Mummy can't do this!"

"Do you know this thing?"

"do not know!"

Youyou thought about it and opened Weibo.

He usually visits Weibo occasionally. For Mommy, he deliberately looks at the Weibo number, only pays attention to Mommy alone, and usually pays attention to some of Mommy's dynamics, but also enjoys it.

However, in these few days, he was negligent and did not pay special attention. He did not expect that such a thing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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