Chapter 252 Little Liar

Yun Shishi told him that this man is a professor at her university. He compliments a few words on the surface, but he is not a three-year-old child.

This is clearly a poem that deliberately glared at him!

Even if he doesn't know what the man is, he can compare the looks of the father and the son. He immediately returns to God!

So, for the identity of men, I also guessed a seven or eight points.

It should be six years ago, the mysterious employer!

For fear of poetry and poetry, he did not break.

Yunyecheng guarded Yuntianyou’s bed and left. The special intensive care unit was on the 15th floor. Before he left, he did not forget to go back to rest and come to the hospital to replace him.

Yun Shishi thought for a moment, nodded, just go back and take some Yuyou's clothing to replace.

At the elevator entrance, Yunshi Shi: "Mu Yazhe, time is not early, you should go back."

Mu Yazhe looked a little angry and raised an eyebrow: "Come on me?"

"I saw you didn't sleep for a night, afraid that you are tired."

Mu Yazhe's face was instantly relieved, and there was silk in his eyes. "Oh, did it hurt me?"

"What do you think of it!" Yun Shishi was annoyed and angered. "If you don't have the energy to work, don't blame me!"

Mu Yazhe smiled and smiled, and copied it in his pocket. He leaned slightly and sighed in her ear. "I have always had enough energy. Have you ever been taught?"

In this case, it is clear that it means something!

Yun Shishi bit his lip, his cheeks flashed red to the roots of his ears, and glanced at him with amazement. He said: "Inexplicable, don't understand what you are talking about!?"


The elevator door opens.

Yun Shishi is preparing to step into the elevator, but the body has been pushed into the corner, and suddenly hit the cold wall.

She couldn't help but be scared and widened her eyes. She hadn't reacted yet, and the tall man's body was bullied.

It’s just a dead end of a camera, but he has ulterior motives!

The elevator doors are closed. At this moment, in the small space, only two of them are left.

Yun Shishi was shocked and looked up at him in amazement. Mu Yazhe bowed his head and reached out to clasp her chin. The narrow eyes were sinisterly stalked, and the scorpion was deep and heavy. .

He laughed awkwardly, bullied her face, staring at her helpless eyes, and his voice was low and dumb: "The little liar, you are really fun!"

"You... what are you doing?"

Yun Shishi was a little confused, but he was once again corrected, forcing her to look at her own eyes.

"Oh, I usually look at your well-behaved appearance. I didn't expect to lie, my mouth is very embarrassing."

She bowed and her face was somewhat unnaturally blushing!

Her lying is also forced to help! In the face of his father, how can you tell the truth?

Do you want to confess to your father? This is undoubtedly tearing open his scars.

For the paper contract six years ago, Yunye has always been worried, and he is so upset that he has no ability to go to surrogate for his most beloved daughter.

If you say so, you don't have to think about it, and your father must be extremely embarrassed.

It was him, so she followed her into the hospital, so she didn't even have a mental preparation!

Is it now accusing her of coming?

Yun Shi poetry does not look at him, licking the lips looks like it is anger, in the eyes of men, but a bit tender and lovely.

"Professor? Oh!"

Mu Yazhe stunned the evil charm, slender fingers pinched her cheeks, her thumb pressed heavily on her lips, and her voice was lazy: "Small things, you are talking about what I have taught you?" ”

Hello everyone, my name is one. Lazy flowers let me help her good friends to make a sign - "Flash wedding sweet love: Mu Shao's delicious wife" This article is awesome, lazy flowers are also chasing ~

(End of this chapter)

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