Chapter 2525 Chapter Kiss

Xiao Xue stunned his mouth with excitement. When he was surprised, he was more moved and could not speak.

Ji Yan behind him did not expect that he would suddenly appear, but also squatted in the same place.

Yun Shi’s poems lingered for a long while, until Yuyou and Mu Yuchen whispered a whisper, and she suddenly reached out to him.

Her hand is not as big as half of his palm.

He suddenly took her hand and picked her up. Yun Shishi did not stand still, and even did not have time to react, Mu Yazhe violently pulled her into her arms and hugged her. Her back neck, without any warning, kissed her!

The general kiss of the century.

Yun Shi Shi’s eyes widened and the whole world was left blank!

Mu Yazhe closed her eyes, kissed her, slammed her eyes, slowly opened her eyes, loosened her lips, and held her around, facing the crowd, sweeping through the incomparable face, followed by a steady and powerful The voice then announced: "She is my wife, my wife. So, I will never allow anyone to invade her!"

The domineering declaration attracted countless flashing lights and couldn't wait to capture this amazing picture.


Some reporters simply did not have time to react, and they were shocked to stay in the same place, and even forgot to film this scene.

Yun Shishi looked up at him, some wrong, some stunned, gaze in his eyes, he also looked at her with a dagger, could not help but reach out, for her reason to become a messy forehead because of the crowd.

When countless microphones come together.

He softly escaped: "I always wanted to do this, open our relationship, open our marriage, have you forgotten it? I promised you, let all the world witness, my vow to you."

The body of Yun Shishi is so stiff in a moment.


"Oh, next, I will arrange everything properly."

Mu Yazhe's eye bends slightly, "Give it to me, okay?"

Yun Shishi is no longer stubborn, licking his lips and nodding.

Mu Yazhe took her hand and walked to the release desk again.

On the stage, the high-rise of the Huanyu, who was sitting on the stage, saw Mu Yazhe in person, and stood up in a moment, and hurriedly wanted to make his seat, which seemed cramped and fussy.

The look of the season looked at him in a complicated way, and he looked at Qin Zhou with a strange look.

“This is also within the script of the conference?”

Qin Zhou hooked his lips, "Of course."

"Do you know this?"

"This conference is itself arranged by Mu." Qin Zhou shrugged innocently. "Just he should not let me be too swaying."

"He appeared like this, not enough to sway?" Ji Yan squinted at the corner of his eyes. "What exactly is it swaying?"

"Oh, old season, you don't understand. Surprise, surprise you don't understand? No wonder you have been unable to find a girlfriend, you are so rigid, you can't find a wife." Qin Zhou said the head is the road.

Ji Lin resisted giving him a slap in the face, and snorted, his eyes were happy.

fair enough.

Ji Yan looked at Mu Yazhe and took the hand of Yun Shishi to the stage, and then settled in the main position, Qin Zhou gave up the position.

When Ji Yan was stunned, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his instep and turned sharply. He saw that You You and Mu Yuchen stood by her side. The two little guys almost stretched out their feet and smashed. Look at her instep, see her turn around, and make a face.

(End of this chapter)

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