Chapter 2527 is not broken

Yun Shishi is actually the wife of Mu Yazhe?

No one thought that the situation would be reversed like this!

God! Amazing!

This cloud poetry is too deep hidden! ?

Everyone can't figure it out.

Since I married such a privilege, what kind of play is it?

Tired, bitter, and still not thankful, how happy you are at home!

The lens turned to Ji Yan again.

In the picture, she was sweating and sweating, clenching her fists, shaking her shoulders, not knowing whether it was anger, or fear, or restlessness, oh, the face was like a layer of wax, it was very white, and it looked That's ridiculous!

However, within a few minutes, she was from a sense of justice and a joke!

All the accusations are not broken.

But all the people who have made sense of the matter have suddenly looked out. At the scene, who is deceiving, who is lying, who is born out of nothing, rumored right and wrong!

The former aggressive reporter saw the scene out of control, and even hated his teeth.

He suddenly stood up and calmly asked, "Mr. Mu, please explain the truth about the surrogacy of Miss Yun Shishi for the sake of seven years ago, okay? What should I explain?"

Mu Yazhe smiled slightly and calmly said, "This is not the public's attitude. I have a marriage contract with the poetry. Just because of an accident, the erroneous, wrong, and made an oolong." Fortunately, God asked us to meet again, I believe she is my destined lover."

Destined lovers...

"She did have surrogate two children for the family. At that time, I learned that her adoptive father owed a huge amount of foreign debt because of business failure, and there was no way to go home. In order to ease the pressure of the family, she made helplessly. Such a choice. I don't think it is a shameful thing!"

Everyone suddenly realized!

So this is ah!

It turned out that she was originally trying to pay for her father's family, and she chose the path of surrogate and childbirth!

Indeed, it is not a shameful thing.

This kind girl must be repaying her father's parenting grace, and she is willing to "rent" her body and get rich rewards for surrogacy to solve the difficulties in her family.

This is a kind girl, but a filial girl!

The reporter bit his teeth and threw a more acute problem.

"So, in this case, she had hidden one of her children at the beginning, and what is the explanation?"

Yun Shishi clenched his fists and sighed. He was arrogant and arrogant. "At the beginning, I was born prematurely in August. One of the children lost her vital signs at birth, and Muh sent someone to take another child. Fortunately, after the rescue, the child was able to keep it. The original was indeed out of a certain kind of selfishness. After all, the first time was the mother, watching the tour from the ghost gate, the lost flesh and blood, the distressed, because of disappointment, so I secretly hid him in the side. If it is not a no-brainer, I will not definitely make a thing for the flesh and blood. For you, ask yourself, which mother will hold his child with his eyes? This is indeed selfish. ...I don't regret it. But all this is just the mother's instinct. I don't have any other embarrassing thoughts. In this case, I hope you don't interpret too much."

(End of this chapter)

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