Chapter 2537 Word of mouth reversal

Wedding photos were taken not long ago.

However, considering that the publication of the marriage news can not be too monotonous, so Yun Shi poetry personally selected a piece, without any tedious late blooming, it is already very eye-catching.

"It's so beautiful! This is the love I really yearn for!"

"How happy it is to be able to marry love?"

"My job is wedding photography. I have seen wedding photos of countless newcomers, but I saw this wedding photo. For the first time in my life, I was deeply touched. One's eyes are not deceiving! Mu Yazhe Mr. must love poetry very much, and he can see it with his eyes!"

"That's a pouting look, as a single dog can't wait to cry in a chair."

The most taboo in the entertainment industry is to announce the relationship.

Whether it is a female star or a male star, once the romance is announced, it may mean that the transformation of the road is likely to mean that the price is greatly reduced, which may affect the popularity and provoke public criticism.

However, the pair of partiality has been consistently recognized and blessed by the public.

Perhaps the image of the victim of Yunshi poetry is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Or the relationship between Mu Yazhe and Yun Shishi is too touching.

Although Yun Shishi can't talk about any senior artist, in the past, when the actress in the entertainment circle announced that she was married to the giants, she would often be over-interpreted by the public.

What is “climbing the branches” and what “going to name” is often interpreted as embarrassing.

However, Yun Shishi is too special.

Her sincere confession touched countless people.

Even if it is framed by so many people, it still maintains reason, does not hurt anyone's feelings, and obviously has a relationship, but in order to protect the relationship, deep in the heart.

The seriousness and persistence of Yun Shishi's acting career is also in the eye.

Soon, the relationship between Yun Shishi and Mu Yazhe also affected the ratings and reputation of "Dangguo".

Originally, the ratings of "Dangguo" were often in the second and third places. However, after this incident, the ratings of "Dangguo" played a beautiful turn over the night, all of a sudden One catches up and sits on the championship.

Qin Yuyan, played by Yun Shishi, is a vicious female No. 2. However, when the public re-examined this role, she carefully found out why Qin Yuyan’s anti-drug was so deeply rooted in people’s hearts that people were sick. !

That is because the performance of Yun Shishi is too superb!

She completely abandoned the imagery of Yin Xiachun's pureness in "Green Fruit", completely abandoning the idol baggage, and portraying a deep, sinister villain of the city to the hearts of the people.

There was a scene where Qin Yu’s calculations were not completed by Qin Changle. Instead, they were counted, and finally they were expelled from the family. It was ice and snow. She was kneeling outside the general’s house. Her tears wet her eyes and frozen into ice. All the efforts and calculations ended in failure. She cried in despair, shouting, continually asking for forgiveness, letting go of all self-respect and pride, and praying for forgiveness from the family.

This scene, superb acting, has impressed countless audiences!

After the end of Qin Yuyan's play, the audience still did not finish it. The ratings of the replays were rising. Many netizens said that they had specially watched the replay in order to see the scene of Qin Yuyan. The mind was still shocked by the performance of Yun Shishi.

Today's entertainment industry is smoky.

Small flowers, small fresh meat emerges endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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