Chapter 2547 grabbed him back!

"So, are you going to change him? So what is the result?"

"Later, I also know his identity. His background is extraordinary. His family is a famous family in Beijing. The desire to marry him and have children has become a luxury. I was thinking about it at that time. It’s impossible to be together forever. But despite this, I still stupidly guarded him, hypnotizing myself every day, deceiving myself, but it’s just the greed and the warmth of his embrace. I also thought about leaving him freely and freely. But such a big city, every corner, is full of memories with him. When he leaves him, he always feels that his life has become incomplete... He packed his bags several times, and finally sneaked back in disappointment. Later, I found out I am pregnant, I am happy, and I am scared. I am happy that this child is with his flesh and blood. I always feel that my dream is close to half. I fantasize that he admits this child, marry me, and then set up a family. It’s frightening to fear that his family will reject me."

"He knows, want you to kill the child?"


Meng Qingxue paused and fell down. "He said that the child can be born. He also recognizes this child, but he will never marry me. He said that he will buy me a villa and will send me a babysitter. Give me a high price for living, I will take up my father's responsibility... Yes, it is impossible to get married. He can give me everything, but can't give me a name."

"The best." Chu He coldly evaluated.

Meng Qingxue was unwilling to say, "But, I want to be a name! No matter how poor or noble, I hope that I can become his wife! I don't want those villas, don't raise money, I just want to be with him!"

"It's stupid."

"I also think I am too stupid."

"In this case, why did you leave him?"


Meng Qingxue was silent for a long time, and slowly said, "Because that night, I originally wanted to show him a show. If he didn't want me, then I would leave and force myself to leave him and leave the city. But I played a lot. After talking on the phone, I was picked up by a woman. She said that he was already asleep and tired. At that time, my heart was completely cold, and it was completely hurt. I was desperate... She was clearly provoking me. I I was tired, so I wanted to get rid of him. When I left, I sent him a text message saying that I would kill the child and let him not look for me. I don’t think he would look for me. Right? When I left, I only brought a little money, and with some belongings, I returned everything to him and left without hesitation."

"Why are you leaving?" Chu He is not happy.


Meng Qing Xue was stunned.

"Just because of a woman's provocation, so you left?"

Chu He suddenly laughed and laughed. "What is your persistence for so long? What is it for? It has been like a fool for so long, because of this, has it gone? Then what you have done before will not become downright." Jokes? Well, you are very chic, but you shouldn’t be chic when it’s chic! When you shouldn’t be chic, just leave it, it will only make others feel good! You see, effortlessly, Just drive you away, how proud, afraid to be dreaming, you should wake up!"

"..." Meng Qing Xue’s eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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