Chapter 2549 Mastering whereabouts

After this, Meng Qingxue rested and did not go to work in the workshop. Under the persuasion of Chu He, the two people reached a consensus, Chu He was responsible for making money, and Meng Qingxue was responsible for raising the baby. During this period, all expenses will be borne by Chu He, and when the child has passed the lactation period, Meng Qingxue will consider how to make plans for the next life.

Don't look at the workshops. It's not more tired than the work in the factory. In fact, the doctor also said that pregnant women are not well sedentary, and the vitamins and nutrition that she usually supplements can't keep up. So, it's going to be anemia.

Chu He took care of her chest and promised to take care of her and her children.

She is very good physically, and she will not be too tired to work part-time.

Because the work in the police station is not in the process of preparation, her working hours are very regular. She does not need to go to the duty in an emergency like the police officers in the establishment. Therefore, she has another job as a part-time job. Drainage electricity on the construction site in the town.

Although Yucheng is a relatively backward town, it is not a backcountry. The government also vigorously develops the economy of Yucheng. Therefore, many workers need manpower on the construction site.

Drainage is a technical activity, and Chu He seems to know this trick very well. Once he learns, he can earn thousands of extras in a month.

Meng Qingxue said half-jokingly that Chu He is like a man, responsible for making money and raising a family, and she is like a full-time wife.

Chu He just smiled.

Meng Qingxue’s efforts to raise a baby at home have added extra flowers and plants, cleaned up the hygiene, and usually have good energy. They accompanied Chu Xiaobao to fly kites in the fields, and they came to be comfortable.

She worked in the workshop for a while, so she made a lot of peasant women in the village. These simple peasants pity her, and occasionally carry some vegetables and fruits to visit.

Meng Qingxue is ingenious, and she is very beautiful, so she gives these peasants some good-looking hair styles.

The peasant woman in Murakami has never seen such a novel haircut, and it is so smug, so it is more diligent. When it is idle, I will bring my own rice and vegetables to visit.

Every month, Chu He took her to the hospital in the county for a checkup.

Although Chu He is acting like a man, she is actually very delicate and has no fineness. She takes good care of her. Meng Qingxue sometimes thinks that she is lucky to meet Chu He.

There is a wall that is impenetrable in the world.

Although Chu He has been paying attention to it, there are some things that cannot be hidden in the end!

On this day, Mu Yuchen was accompanying Song Enya to try on a wedding dress. After a free time, a phone call came over. Song Enya saw this number, and his expression suddenly became serious. He took the phone and went to the corner and picked it up. When I opened the door, I asked, "Do you find it?"

Before, she learned that Mu Yuchen was still secretly looking for the whereabouts of Meng Qingxue. She left a little vigilance and quietly sent people to explore the traces of Meng Qingxue.

She wants to find the trace of Meng Qingxue before Mu Yichen, and step by step to completely kill the child in her stomach.

She mobilized all the people who could be dispatched.

The former Mu's hand is full of eyes, and the connections are very wide. However, these resources are all controlled by Mu Yazhe!

After Mu Yazhe left Muhammad, Muh was seriously hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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