Chapter 2551 full of memories

Sometimes, sometimes, intentionally or unintentionally, he will be squeamish.

Probably, she also felt that the atmosphere between the two people was always so arrogant, and it was not always good.

After all, she is going to marry into the Mu family. Then, I must definitely get a little bit of a hand in the relationship between husband and wife. After the marriage, it’s such a heavy gunpowder smell. It’s always like it!

Therefore, Song Enya seems to be working very hard to please him. In many places, he has also made a step backward and compromise.

Mu Yuchen's face eased a little, no longer urged her, but turned and returned to the sofa.

Song Enya looked at his back, and his lips were coldly hooked. Then he chose a wedding dress and tried it on in the fitting room. Then he came out and asked him, "How is this body?"

Mu Yuchen finally took her eyes to see her.

Accompanying her to try on a wedding dress, he promised a good, after all, a prospective bride alone tried on a wedding dress, it is indeed a bit out of the way!

As a prospective fiancé, it is an obligation to accompany her to try on a wedding dress.

So, he took the time, but as soon as he sat down, he looked at the entertainment magazine on the shelf, letting Song Enya go there, and did not ask for his opinion!

The store manager introduced at the side, "This fishtail style wedding dress is more lining, Miss Song, your body is really good, exquisite, this is perfect for you!"

Mu Yuchen couldn't help but glance at it. Song Enya saw him looking at it, and then he turned around with a circle. He smiled slightly, and some brides were shy and happy!

His eyes could not help but smash!

Thoughts and even articles, actually remembered for a long time, he accompanied Meng Qingxue to the mall to select skirts.

At that time, Meng Qingxue did not know his identity.

Meng Qingxue loves dressing up, but she rarely asks him to accompany her to the mall. First, he has little free time. Secondly, she is also reluctant to spend money. After all, she does not work, has no source of income, spends his money. There is nothing to gain.

But that day was her birthday, and he promised her to accompany her to the mall and buy a few clothes.

He took her to the counter and personally selected her. Meng Qingxue carefully watched the price tag. When he saw the five-figure price, his heart suddenly became so bad that he could not help but be scared and seek his advice. Hao Chen, is the clothes here expensive? Or, let’s go to another house!”

“The clothes in this mall are mostly counters of international brands, and the clothes are expensive. You can look at them at any price!”

Meng Qingxue’s face suddenly changed, and it seemed to be a little cramped.

He looked at it and couldn't help but laugh. Her expression of awkwardness made him a manly man satisfied. So, he was very proud. "Today is your birthday, you are the protagonist. Moreover, I don't have such an economy. Strength! When you look at it, try it on, look good, and take it directly!"

"So generous?" Meng Qingxue laughed. "Then I can pick it up!"

"Yeah." Mu Yuchen sat on the side and saw this little Nizi excitedly picked a few sets of clothes and entered the fitting room.

When she walked slowly in front of him in a long red dress, she squeezed her skirt nervously and tried to ask, "How is this body?"

Mu Yuchen looked up and couldn't help but be surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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