Chapter 256 is broken out

"You are enough..."

She hasn't made a complete sound, and the ringtone of the phone is ringing again.

Mu Yazhe's eyebrows picked up unpleasantly and picked up the phone.

Yun Shishi glanced curiously, and the remarks of the three words "Mu Yurou", like a needle, stabbed her eyes.

My heart is inexplicably clogged.

Mu Yurou, this man's fiancee?

The heart was ashamed, but she reacted coldly.

Is it bad between them?

She never saw the lover in overheated love in the phone about the other party's remarks, is the full name.

Cold and faint, not even a nickname. The three words of coldness seem to have not poured any emotions.

After thinking about it, she raised her eyebrows again.

Simple, clear, is the consistent style of this man!

Maybe, people's feelings are good!

What kind of heart does she follow?

I can think so, my heart, but it raises a sense of shame.

She feels that she is a third party.

Yun Shishi suddenly felt very uncomfortable and wanted to defend himself. There is no way to argue.


What is the difference between her and those women who are married to others? ?

Mu Yurou...

Was it the woman I met last time?

The poetry of the cloud poetry has deepened.

I feel strange.

Somehow, this woman always gave her a feeling of deja vu.

Between the eyebrows, so familiar, in her dusty memories, as if engraved with an indelible mark.

In the midst of it, it seems that there is something that is breaking through.

A headache is splitting...

Mu Yazhe slammed the phone and did not pick it up. After a glimpse of Yu Guang, she saw her face musing, and she couldn’t help but feel deep.


Rose Manor.

In front of the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, Mu Yurou was wearing a pajamas and holding the phone tightly. The expression on his face was almost distorted because of his low anger.

not answer the phone!

Linked to the three links, they were cut off.

What is going on! ?

She turned back and walked to the table. On the table, there was a stack of thick newspapers. The headlines in the newspapers, without exception, published reports of Tang Yu and Huanyu’s high-level affair, which were slick and glaring.

Mu Yan softly picked up one of them and swept it through the eyes. Looking at the glaring headline, the fingers and joints were stiff.

Allen is a useless waste!

It is not good to do things, let him do something, actually still do it? Do you trust him so much that even this is not good?

She also thought that she could wait for the scandal of Yun Shishi to sit back and relax, and she was so caught up in the land.

At that time, Mo said that Lin Fengtian wanted to protect her, even if it was Huanyu, she could not keep her.

For the actress, the unspoken rule is a big scandal. It must be ordered to be blocked. Who knows, the next day, it was Tang Yu? !

This is strange.

Why is Tang Yu?

Allen repeatedly assured her that the whole thing had been arranged properly, and his men personally sent Yun Shishi to the car. How did it finally become like this?

It’s hard to be true that the woman of Yun Shi’s poetry will be alive and well. This is simply a fantasy.

Mu Yu is soft and angry, and at the same time, there are some ridiculous thoughts. I always feel that there are some unpredictable hunches, which are definitely tricky.

The servant brought the breakfast to the table one after another, and Mu Yan also walked downstairs with the help of the nanny.

Mu Yurou immediately smashed the newspaper and threw it into the trash can. He smiled and greeted him. He took the old man from the nanny and carefully supported him. Sweetly: "Grandpa, good morning!"


(End of this chapter)

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