Chapter 2579 Trading

Not far from where the car is parked, there is a large wasteland.

At this moment, the night is deep, at 12 o'clock in the morning, the sky is as thick as the ink, not a little bit of stars.

The two teams agreed to meet on the wilderness and trade.

A van parked on the side of the road, full of military HUO weapons, a two-billion cash order.

Among the people in suits and suits, Gu Jinglian was surrounded by a well-armed bodyguard. He wore a white shirt, black slim trousers, and a long-sleeved windbreaker. He was almost infused with the night.

The fierce ink hair, black and black, and Xu was not trimmed for a while, and the small amount of hair was covering his deep eyebrows.

His eyebrows, his eyes were stunned, and his eyes were slightly picked up, and he dyed a few sinister but cold and cold evil spirits, and his eyes and tears added a fascinating glamour.

The angular features of the five senses, under the night, engraved with deep shadows, a stud ear on the ear, extremely eye-catching, lining up a few evil temperament.

His face was so beautiful that such a face was somewhat out of tune with his identity.

At the beginning of his family's power, he was a young boy. On the day of his last position, he was wearing such a line of clothes. His face was beautiful, like a beautiful boy. He went to the elders and went down to the four lobby owners. Put him in the eye.

However, contrary to his appearance, it is his extremely hazy means.

From the beginning of the first place to inherit the position of the homeowner, to settle the family rebellious forces, but half a year, Gu Jia up and down, no one is not convinced.

Under the beautiful appearance, it is a very cool heart, and the violent means of scalp and numbness.

It is said that at the beginning an elder wanted to seize power and squeeze him down.

Gu Jinglian did not read the feelings of brotherhood. He said that this generation is a figure of his uncle. He took off his hands and ribs, cut off his palms, and ousted his door. He never blinked.

It can be seen that he is in a haze.

The wind blew.

He silently spotted a cigarette, and the lips slid out a smog of smoke. A bodyguard suddenly came over and whispered in his ear.

"Gu, the other person is coming."


Gu Jinglian gave him a slight squint, and the sound line of his lips was very clear and extremely magnetic.

"how many people."

"Twenty horses, five cars."

He licked his lips, "No car?"

“The other party said that even the trucks traded together and dragged the truck directly.”


Gu Jinglian gently bounced the ash, faintly said, "Let them all come."


The man retired, and in a short while, the other person's horse was brought.

The person who came is also a black man in all colors. The man headed by him is a little older, tall and thin, with a lot of wrinkles, deep wrinkles, and the age of 30. It looks like a fifty-year-old vicissitude. Like a decaying wood.

"Gu Lao Da, huh, huh, let you wait a long time! However, we also arrived early, but we are unfamiliar and misplaced."

The man opened his mouth, the iconic smoke, very hoarse.

Gu Jinglian leaned over and looked at him. He looked at him up and down, his eyes were deep, and he was obviously examining him.

The man also knows how to get the number of gifts. He immediately walked over and politely extended his hand, as if he wanted to be with him.

(End of this chapter)

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