Chapter 2583, flattering

Gu Jinglian’s eyes twitched again.

He understands the truth.

But what does it mean to win the seven-level float?

After thinking about it, after all, it is a five-year-old child. It is sometimes unclear to talk.

Chu Xiaobao saw him with cold-blooded eyes, seemingly indifferent appearance, tears falling more and more violent, holding the puppy in his arms, seems to want to try to evoke his guilty heart.

"I am only five years old, I am still a child, uncle, you send me kindness, save me, okay? I won't be pestering you, and I won't marry you. You sent me to the police station in the county. That's it! Okay? Is it good? Is it good? Is it good?... Is it good?..."

Chu Xiaobao's skill is absolutely first-class. At that time, like a puppy with a wailing pity, looking at him with a pair of innocent eyes, as if he had thrown him off the car, how sinful it is.

Gu Jinglian was troubled by his series of "good or bad". He frowned, cold and cold. "You can send you to the police station, but on the road, keep quiet, huh?"

He has a headache.

Therefore, I hate children.

Awkward, like a noisy bird, really challenges his patient bottom line.

Chu Xiaobao saw that he finally agreed, his eyes lit up, and the expression on his face became fresh and live for a moment. Like the garlic, he nodded. "Good! Uncle, you can rest assured, I will never quarrel with you." I will keep quiet, don't talk, you just need to..."

It is also a long piece of broken thoughts.

Gu Jinglian was so annoyed that she got on the car directly. The slender fingers blocked his mouth directly, and the fierce commanded, "Shut up!"


Chu Xiaobao was scared by his sullen expression, and immediately made a zipper action, compared to an OK, smiling smart.

"As long as I can send me to the police station! Find the police uncle, the police uncle will definitely help me find a home! When I return home, I must send a thank you letter to my uncle and the specialties of my hometown..."

Chu Xiaobao was grateful to dance and be excited.

Gu Jinglian screamed at her eyebrows and looked indifferent. "Follow you."

The car starts.

The driver turned on the heating, and the hot air bounced to the entire carriage next time, warm and awkward.

Along the way, the carriage is quiet.

Chu Xiaobao squatted for a while, and after being awakened, his mental strength flourished, holding a small white dog, squatting on the window and curiously looking at the streetscape outside the window.

Although there was no good-looking scenery all the way, after all, at night, the dark, empty suburban roads, without any lights, did not look good.

However, Chu Xiaobao feels novelty.

He has never been in such a high-class car. He grew up in Yucheng. The impression that the car is the most memorable is that the county town is on the market and sees a three-pronged sedan. He is excited to point to the car to ask what it is. .

Chu He said that it is a car, hundreds of thousands of cars.

Chu Xiaobao remembered it now.

Gu Jinglian closed his eyes and faked him, treating him as air, only when he did not exist.

So quiet, Chu Xiaobao actually felt bored, talking to the puppy and talking to himself, "Puppy dog, not cold? The car is warm."


"This uncle is a good man!" He squinted at Gu Jinglian, deliberately speaking loudly, and seemed to be taking the initiative to win his favor.

(End of this chapter)

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