Chapter 2596 is frowning

Chu He took the license plate and went to the police station to investigate it. He quickly found out the movement of the car.

After the car drove out of Heilongtan Township, it opened the Jinghan Expressway from the provincial road. When it arrived at the capital, it was six o'clock in the morning. After that, the car drove to a remote place, the next movement, then It is from Jinghan Expressway to Yishan City.

Next, there is no movement.

In addition to finding a few violations of the car, there is no clue.

However, such clues are already precious. At least the license plate is not a deck. The van is also in line with the clues provided by Meng Qingxue. As a result, at least, the car is within the scope of Iksan City.

However, when Chu He proposed to arrest the suspect, the police officer who worked with her seemed to have doubts.

"Chu He, this matter must be reported to the Secretary. The process of arresting is very cumbersome. Because these funds are approved by the Director before they can be mobilized. The problem is that the Secretary is on a business trip, not in the Bureau. Even if the proposal is handed to him, the approval process is a very cumbersome process and may be dismissed! In this way, the delay is long, and if you are willing to pay at your own expense, it is another matter!"

“At your own expense?”

"Well! For example, the personnel who are dispatched out, these tolerances, you provide the full amount, the police station out of the manpower, you pay. But the clues are limited, even if the team is rushed to Iksan City, it will not necessarily catch the prisoners. Return to the case!"

Chu He’s face was stiff.

"Yucheng is a small county after all. The provincial bureau has limited funds issued each year. The Secretary should not pass this proposal. Are you sure that Xiaobao is really in this car?"

"I'm sure!"

Chu He has some struggles. "I am willing to pay a fee. How much does it cost?"

The man was indulged for a while, estimated it, and then began to say, "Conservative estimate, need 100,000?"

"100,000?" Chu He was a bit sluggish.


Chu He’s face is a little dignified.

"In case, when the person commits the transfer of the target, we rushed to Iksan City, and we rushed to the air and lost our money. This money is also a hit."

Chu He suddenly caught his clothes, cold and cold, "This has nothing to do with money! Even if it is a few million, it is not as important as Xiaobao's hair!"

"Chu He, don't be excited, calm down!"

"My son is gone, how can I calm down?! I am calm enough!"

"That... If you ask for a cross-province arrest at your own expense, I can report to the captain and let him dispatch the man."

"But... I can't get the money at all."

Chu He mocked and smiled, and suddenly felt that such a system was really ironic.

She clearly grasps the movements of Xiaobao, but she feels powerless.

"Chuhe, we are also very concerned about Xiaobao, and I am very worried about his safety, but we really can't do anything about it! After all, you don't even have an account, and the Secretary will not pay attention to it."


She didn't want to hear these high-sounding words, "I will find another way."

Chu He lost his soul and returned to the hospital. He just walked to the front of the ward, but saw Mu Yuchen standing at the door, leaning against the wall and smoking silently.

She didn't seem to see him. She walked into the ward. Meng Qingxue saw her come back and asked nervously, "Chu He, have you found a clue?"

Chu He looked up and looked at her faintly, but his expression was extremely bleak.

Everyone is patient! In fact, Gu Jinglian's story is also very exciting!

(End of this chapter)

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