Chapter 2612 is directed at her child.

Chu He turned again, but did not have any demeanor. She slammed forward and grabbed Luo Qing’s collar with one hand and asked evilly, “Where is Xiao Bao hidden by you?”

"Xiao Bao? Are you talking about the little boy who is so mad?" Luo Qing asked.

He does not remember the name of the child.

"Don't worry! The children you took from here that day are hidden by you, say!" Chu He's voice is mixed with the thunder and temperament.

Two days and two nights, Chu Xiaobao has no news, and has already drained her patience to the limit.

Luo Qing was scared to death by her sullen face, and she shivered, and even her voice trembled. "That...the child is not hidden by us! We...we are just acting on orders! The child...we are I took the capital... Then, we took the money and left, the child was in the warehouse, we didn’t take it away... I don’t know how he happened...”

Because of his nervousness and great fear, he spoke upside down and was vague.

Chu He no longer had patience and slammed him into a punch.

This punch, the momentum is amazing, almost almost detached his chin.

Luo Qing was so scared that he was too pale, but he did not dare to resist.

He has never seen a woman who is so terrible!

Such eyes seem to want to devour them as if they were to devour human beasts!

Meng Qingxue got out of bed and asked in a hurry. "You broke into the house that day and took Chu Xiaobao into the car and took it away! What the **** is going on? Who told you to do this!"

Until these two men were **** by Mu Yuchen, she believed that it was not the hand of Mu Yuchen!

Not him, who is it?

"We are also ordered to act, the employer gives us money, we will do things for her! The child is taken away by us, but the person takes the past, but the employer says that she is not the child she wants!"

"What happened?" Mu Yuchen also felt that things were embarrassing.

"The employer said that she wants... she wants..."

Luo Qing said as he spoke, and looked at Meng Qingxue standing on the sidelines, and he seemed to have some scruples.

"I honestly explain clearly! Otherwise, you can't live to leave here!" Mu Yuchen screamed.

Luo Qing "splashed", scared to kneel on the ground, wanting to cry without tears, "forgive me! We and the girl are innocent, but the employer told me that she wants a child, we got the wrong order. Wrong about her intentions, when she took the child, she met and said that she wanted the child in the belly of the lady..."

Luo Qing explained with trepidation, and carefully cast his eyes on Meng Qingxue.

Meng Qingxue's face was white, and he couldn't help but hold his belly.

Mu Yuchen cold and frowning, "What do you mean?"

"The employer said that she wants the child in the girl's stomach, either to get rid of the child in her stomach, or even to tie it out. But... we are confused for a while, we made the wrong object, and then we will take the child. I mistakenly thought that the target was taken away."

Meng Qingxue couldn’t help but take a step and his heart beat like a thunder!

She had already guessed that the two men were ill-intentioned, obviously who was instructed, especially for the children in her stomach!

(End of this chapter)

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