Chapter 2617 DNA Identification

"If you don't eat me, my uncle will also break my neck and throw away the dog... oh... Xiaobao doesn't want to die..."

He is so dead, and Gu Jinglian’s threat last night still makes him remember.

Fu Bo reluctantly cheats, "Uncle is not a beast."

Gu Jinglian was helpless. He finally endured the limit and sent someone to drive the car. He then told Fu Bo, "Hurry and send this little guy to the police station!"

After he finished, he went to the study room with distraction, and closed his door, and the sound of the sound of the sky made Fu Bo could not help but shrug his shoulders.

Fu Bo had to send Chu Xiaobao to the police station alone.

The car slowly entered the game. Fu Bo took Chu Xiaobao out of the car and walked into the bureau. The director had already waited for him for a long time. Seeing that Gu Jinglian did not come along with it, it seemed a little unexpected.

"What about Gu?"

"Gu is very busy, deputy bureau, you will talk to me if you have anything."

The deputy director twisted his eyebrows and sighed. "This is the case. We sent Xiaobao's DNA identification into the gene pool for comparison. The result of the comparison is exactly the same as that of Gu. That is... this The child may have a blood relationship with Gu."


"It is not ruled out that the system has made a mistake. Therefore, I would like to ask Mr. Gu to come together to see if he is willing to cooperate with him and conduct a paternity test with Xiaobao. In this way, the results will be more accurate!"

Fu Bo looked down at Chu Xiaobao, who was shaking in his arms. He twisted his eyebrows and suddenly "squeaked" and seemed to have some concerns.

Like a long-lasting ideological struggle, he suddenly and cautiously asked, "Gu Zong... is not coming, but, if DNA identification, can you use his hair?"

When the room was cleaned this morning, he paid special attention to the bed pillow. In Gu Jinglian's bed, it took a lot of effort to find a short hair, so I collected it.

Not for any other reason.

However, Chu Xiaobao and Gu Jinglian are so much like they are.

There are no two identical leaves in this world, and there are no two people who look so unpredictable.

Non-intimate, not only the five senses are similar, but the unintentional look of the eyebrows is more than 50%.

He paid a special bit of thought.

Just in the morning, the deputy director called and told him the result. Forbe is even more eccentric, and he is increasingly skeptical about whether Chu Xiaobao and Gu Jinglian really have any blood relationship.

It won't be, is the illegitimate child outside the master?

So, Fu Bo carefully took out a hand wrapped parcel from his arms, opened the handkerchief, and carefully wrapped a hair in the center. The deputy asked, "Is this hair determined to be Gu Zong? If you make a mistake It will affect the results!"

"It's not wrong! Next, I will check it out in the deputy bureau!"

The deputy bureau nodded. "Small things, you can get a conclusion in the afternoon!"

"That..." Fouber immediately asked, "Is the child's mother found?"



The deputy bureau nodded heavily. "There is still no comparison in the gene bank. In short, the identification takes a little time. In the afternoon, I will contact you."

Fu Bo nodded, and when he took the hair of Gu Jinglian to the appraisal department for identification, he took Chu Xiaobao to the street.

(End of this chapter)

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