Chapter 2619, Song Enya, came over?

Should it be ridiculous? !

However, the birth of a life can indeed change the mentality of a man to a great extent.

At first, when he learned of the birth of a small life, he was somewhat helpless and even somewhat suspicious.

You must know that his contraceptive measures have always been done very well. He rarely gives her medicine. Outside, there is no woman. But after the rain, he will urge women to take after-effects. After all, I want to The woman of his child is like a dynasty of the river. He naturally will not let go of any fish that slips through the net.

In the case of Meng Qingxue, he has taken the initiative to do so. He usually takes measures spontaneously and consciously. Sometimes, he can't help himself. Without prior preparation, she will make up afterwards.

But it is also very few.

After all, he also knows that women who take this medicine are very bad for the body.

However, knowing that he and her have children, the first time, it is somewhat unacceptable.

He is not ready to be a father.

In the twenties, the fun is still very heavy, especially now that it is at a critical juncture. There is no small crisis in Mu's, and he has a repulsive mind.

Gradually, until Meng Qingxue left, he suddenly realized that she had already given so many thousands of things that should not have happened to her.

For the little life that was born in her stomach, I was faintly expecting it.

It would have done what he thought was the most stupid thing before.

such as……

Mu Yuchen carefully held her head and leaned down slightly, gently put her ear on her lower abdomen, but listened for a long while, but did not hear any special sound.

Three months, shouldn't you still move?

Mu Yuchen twisted his eyebrows and made a few sighs in his heart. He looked up and looked up at Meng Qingxue's faint eyes.


How did she wake up? !

When Mu Yuchen thought about how he was acting stupidly, she was all looked at by her, and her face was awkward, and it was inevitable that some of them were restless.

When did she wake up?

Not falling asleep?


What did he just do, she looked at it?

Mu Yuchen bites his lips without words.

Meng Qingxue could not help but ask him, "What are you doing?"

"Cough..." Mu Yuchen screwed his eyebrows and pretended to calm down. "Hey things..."

"Hey things, why are your ears stuck on my stomach?" Meng Qingxue smiled and asked.

Mu Yuchen did not know what to say.

Meng Qingxue suddenly said, "It is still early, I can't hear anything about fetal movement."


Mu Yuchen did not hide it, and cleared the throat, and the cheeks had an unnatural red.

Just then, the ringtone of the phone suddenly sounded.

Mu Yuchen's face stunned, picked up the phone, but saw a string of mobile phone numbers on the screen, the phone number has no special notes, but look at the tail number, Mu Yuchen knows that this is Song Enya's number.

He has no special notes.

Mu Yuchen stared at the mobile phone number in a daze, hesitating for a long while, he suddenly hang up the phone.

Meng Qingxue’s face was weird, and he couldn’t help but ask, “Why don’t you pick up?”

"Oh, it's not a particularly important phone call."

"Is it because Song Enya came over?" Meng Qingxue asked.

Mu Yuchen's face was once again stiff, and it was too late to make any explanation. The ringing of the mobile phone rang again, and Song Enya screamed and rushed, and the rushing ringtone urging him!

He suddenly felt upset!

(End of this chapter)

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