Chapter 2625, Chu Xiaobao is his child

"The police station has re-verified it. Take your hair and the blood samples collected by Chu Xiaobao to do a paternity test. The final identification report, Chu Xiaobao and you have a parent-child relationship!"

"What?" Gu Jinglian was somewhat uncomfortable with such a conclusion. She was so shocked that she suddenly got up and stunned him. His face was dark. "Where did you get the hair?"

"On your pillow, the doctor said that luck is better, the hair follicles remain on your hair, so such an identification report is effective."

Gu Jinglian looked stiff for a moment, and her eyebrows were slightly stunned. "You are not allowed to make fun of this kind of thing!"

"Master, how can I make a joke about this kind of thing!?" Fu Bo snorted and looked grievous. "The truth is in front of me! From the first side of the child, I have some doubts! Master. Didn't you find out? This child looks very much like you! Of course, it does not rule out that there is some kind of coincidence in the world. However, this child is not only the five senses, but also the appearance and the appearance. It is extremely fascinating! What is more convincing to my doubts is that there was news from the police station that they collected the DNA of Chu Xiaobao and conducted a checkup in the national gene bank. Finally, it is in line with him. you."

"What?" Gu Jinglian felt that this was a fantasy.

There are countless dazzling coincidences in the world.

Unexpectedly, such a coincidence would fall on his head.

So, Chu Xiaobao is his child?

how is this possible! !

The woman he has had, regardless of any relationship, has made strict measures.

He doesn't like children, he can even say that he is bored. It is impossible for any woman to have such an opportunity to bear his flesh and blood!

Even if there is a fish that leaks through the net, then, if you are pregnant with his children, those greedy women will surely come to the door and fight for the high price in the name of the child. How is it possible? Holding the child to hide in such a small city, then, without any alarming family, secretly raise the child to five years old?



Fu Bo sighed. "Master, there are some things, you don't admit it, you don't count! Chu Xiaobao must be your flesh!"

Gu Jinglian looked at him with a deep sigh, and then coldly hooked his lips. "This appraisal report, I am not present, I will not count. Unless I do it again, I will see the result and I will believe it!"

Fu Bodao, "If you are willing, you can go to the hospital for a detailed appraisal..."

The words have not been finished, and a small movement suddenly came from the door.

Gu Jinglian noticed that someone seemed to be hiding at the door and eavesdropping, and said coldly, "Who is at the door!?"


A tender voice came from the door.

Chu Xiaobao stood face-to-face with a grievance. He squeezed his clothes tightly. He just followed him behind Fu Bo. He didn’t dare to go in, and the cat eavesdropped at the door, but he couldn’t understand what they were. Say what.

Just vaguely heard, this nasty bad uncle seems to be in the blessing.

Chu Xiaobao also thought that Gu Jinglian must have blamed Fu Bo for stealing a few new clothes for him and spent a lot of money. So, I felt a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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