One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2627: Why have you been staring at me?

Why is the 2627 chapter always staring at me?

Gu Jinglian looked at him from a close distance and reached out. The slender fingers slowly stroked him every inch of the facial features, and his fingertips gently licked his eyebrows, his eyes could not help but worry.

Previously, I didn’t take it seriously, until I looked at it so close, I realized that it’s no wonder that Fouber’s heart was suspicious.

This child is indeed very similar to what he was when he was young.


His child?

is it possible?

Then, who is his mother?

"Uncle... Why are you staring at me?"

Chu Xiaobao glared at his head and asked some questions.

Gu Jinglian is silent.

Behind him, Fu Bo smiled and said, "Xiao Bao, you have not always said, want to find Dad?"

Chu Xiaobao turned and looked at Fu Bo and nodded. "Well! Xiaobao has no father since he was a child. Mom doesn't know where Dad is, but Mom said that Xiaobao has a father, just because For some reason, short-term dispersion! Xiaobao has always wanted to find Dad!"

Forbe deliberately asked, "If you really find Dad, would you like to recognize him?"

"I am willing to be willing!" Chu Xiaobao nodded like garlic. "If I can find my father, I will certainly recognize him! Because he is my father! Without a father, there is no Xiaobao!"

Fubo smiled comfortably, and when he stepped forward, he hugged him up and then gestured, "Xiao Bao, uncle tells you a secret?"

"Good!" Chu Xiaobao went forward.

Fu Bo put it in his ear and secretly said, "Your father is in front of you!"

"...What do you mean?" Chu Xiaobao couldn't turn his head for a moment.

Fu Bo's eyes shook, "This uncle is your father!"


The afternoon sun is pungent and pungent.

Although it is only April, the weather has gradually turned to the heat.

Between winter and summer, there seems to be no excess, and it will come quietly without warning.

Mu Yuchen and his party arrived in Beijing. According to the clues and coordinates provided by Luo Qing, they quickly found a precise orientation. As they provided the clues, there is indeed a very hidden industrial area in the suburbs. The district was built in the last century. They found the warehouse before they walked over and saw the bread residue and scattered chairs scattered on the ground.

Chu He walked over and squatted on the ground, picked up the bread crumbs on the ground, and gently rubbed it. The texture had become stiff, probably two days ago.

She went to the chair on the shelf and looked at it. The chair was made of solid wood. After years of wind and sun, and the warehouse has been traced, many places have become moldy and decaying. Easy to break.

"Luo Qing said that the warehouse is very wet. They used a chair to tie Xiaobao. It seems that it is right here." Meng Qingxue.

Chu He twisted his eyebrows and slowly said, "But Xiaobao is not here, where will he go?"

"Will it be brought back by Song Enya!?"

Meng Qingxue asked worriedly.

"Impossible." Mu Yuchen said, "Since this child is not the person she wants, she can't take the risk to bring the child back! After all, it is not good for her to start with a child. She can't do it to Xiaobao. what."

"She is such a woman, her heart is hot, what can she do?" Meng Qingxue hates authenticity.

"She is not stupid. What good can I do with a child?"

Today, the high-level study class and the great gods face. ><

(End of this chapter)

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