Chapter 2637 Codename Suzaku

With the clue provided by Chu Xiaobao, Gu Jinglian generated a portrait in her brain, but she could not recall it for a long time. He had contacted such a woman.

short hair?

This is the point, and all the clues are broken.

None of the women he has ever had was short hair!

He likes long hair, black hair, and waist length, so none of the women who have had a short hair.

Very tall, very thin, when the police, indicating that the skills are good.

However, for Chu Xiaobao, the so-called high, perhaps not very high, relatively speaking, for a child's vision, the concept is very high, probably between one meter five and one meter six.

The key is the point.

Before the DNA identification in the police station, in the DNA information database, even compared to people.

This shows that this woman is a black household.

There are only a few points in the black household

Either it is missing for too long and the account has been cancelled.

Either a special identity, such as a black-made force officer, a black agent, a spy, a killer, or an undercover.

Wait... undercover?

In the mind of Gu Jinglian, there was a flash of light. He frowned and remembered that there was a woman’s cold face in the sand.

The black shawl has long hair, delicate facial features, cold eyebrows, and gestures, there is a kind of discouragement that ordinary women do not have.

She has no name, only one code name Suzaku.

Suzaku, Interpol’s highest anti-black inspector.

Is it her?

For this woman's appearance, Gu Jinglian is not very clear, but between the vague, the delicate eyebrows seem to coincide with Chu Xiaobao's tender eyebrows.

Gu Jinglian has such a faint sorrow.

Six years ago, this woman was placed under his side as an undercover.

At that time, he was in the first place, ambitious, in order to expand the territory, unscrupulous, arrogant, offended a lot of forces, the family's forces continue to expand, and finally, because of the cross-border mercenary/fire, even in Vietnam and North America, construction, construction Two military factories have alarmed Interpol.

However, at that time, the Gu family, in the hands of the city, and the blessing of the country's government, the Interpol simply took him helpless.

At that time, Suzaku’s seat was inspected by the anti-black, and was dispatched to the task of being undercover. He was mixed into the Gu family and used his means to get close to him and was ordered to execute the assassination plan.

However, because the identity was broken, the assassination failed, and Gu Jia sent people to pursue it. Finally, she finally escaped from birth and went to the mystery.

Thinking of this, Gu Jinglian twisted her eyebrows, her eyes were deep, her thoughts were recovered, and her eyes were complicated.

He did not know that the woman was pregnant with his child.

This woman is very powerful.

When he was inserted in his side, he did not reveal any flaws. Rao was him, and he never found her embarrassment.

However, five years ago, I did not know where to go, and my whereabouts became a mystery.

As a result, the characteristics of all aspects are basically in line.

Unexpectedly, it was her!

He thought that she was dead.

Interpol also secretly searched for a few months. In the end, it was only possible to use "death" to determine the fate of love. Under the grief of Interpol, all the information of her was secretly erased in a hundred years.

However, she lost her memory?

So, don't you remember anything?

Includes memories about him.

Gu Jinglian blinked slightly, her eyes narrowed, and her eyes had a strong suffocation.

To see the children's shoes of poetry, don't be anxious. Because the story of poetry is about to burst high/tidal, don't worry, don't worry, I have to write well, otherwise I am afraid I can't write the wonderful part!

(End of this chapter)

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