Chapter 2640 requires immediate surgery

When Meng Qingxue heard the news, he and Mu Yuchen rushed to the hospital until the door of the ward, pushed open the door and rushed in, and saw Chu He lying sickly on the bed, pale and weak face, without any anger. .

As if her body is already an empty shell.

Meng Qingxue rushed to the bed, but saw Chu He lying on the bed, even if he fell into a coma, his eyebrows were as if he was immersed in great pain.

The doctor is holding the board next to the bed and writing something silently.

Meng Qingxue walked over, lowered his voice, and asked in panic. "Doctor, what happened to her? How does it look so weak? What is it?"

The doctor heard the words and couldn't help but turn around and looked at them. After looking at them for a long while, they asked, "Are you a family of patients?"


Meng Qingxue didn't want to go back.

The doctor nodded.

"Three hours ago, the patient was taken to the hospital and checked down. She found that her body was very weak. The initial judgment was that she did not get a good rest for a long time, physical exhaustion, and had severe anemia. After CT, it was found that the patient had a large piece of blood in his head that oppressed the cranial nerve."

" it serious?" Meng Qingxue asked with a heart.

"The patient's physical condition, as a family member, you do not know? Her situation is very serious, it is necessary to operate immediately, draining blood." The doctor is a little surprised.

Meng Qingxue shook his head. "I only know that she had been hit hard by accident and lost all her memories."

"Patient amnesia?"


The doctor indulged for a long while, and then said, "Probably because of the nerves of the blood clot, it is recommended to operate immediately."

Meng Qingxue took a breath of cold air, apparently a bit horrified.


Her hand trembled uncontrollably. "Is it going to be a craniotomy?"

In the impression, any surgery that needs to be moved into the head is a craniotomy.

With such surgery, the risk is too high!

"There will be several surgical plans at the time. It depends on the specific location of the blood clot. If it is in the brain or the internal capsule, it is necessary to have a craniotomy. The risk is also great. However, if the blood clot is shallow, It is also possible to remove the hematoma by minimally invasive surgery through ventricle mirror."

“Minimally invasive? Is it a cut in the surface of the head?”

The doctor nodded. "Well, it's almost like this."

"What if I don't have surgery?"

"This... there are countless possible risks, but the specific ones can't be determined for the time being. Some patients have oppressed the nerves and skulls because of the dangerous position of the blood clots, insisted on not performing surgery, and finally died of cerebral hemorrhage. For more than ten years, the blood clots have slowly disappeared. Everyone's physical quality is different, and the situation is different. However, for the sake of conservatism, surgery is recommended. In the event of oppression to other nerves, it is difficult to judge the unknown risk. ”

Meng Qingxue tightened his fist and frowned slightly, and immediately asked, "How long does it take to prepare for surgery?"

"If you are fully prepared, you can have surgery the day after tomorrow, but you need your family to sign it."

Meng Qingxue glanced at Chu He on the bed and looked at the doctor again. Finally, under the great determination, she nodded. "So, trouble you, prepare for surgery!"

I just wrote five thousand words, I didn't save it, I lost it... I lost it... I lost it... I have to catch a plane tomorrow! New text will be opened on May 1st! Speaking of this, Huahua said that to open a new article, during the list, there are many activities to give back to readers! I hope everyone will participate! The new text is very exciting~~ Compared with "One Titus and Two Treasures", I personally think that there are many improvements, I hope that everyone will continue to support!

(End of this chapter)

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