Chapter 2660 Memory Repatriation (4)

As for the homeowner’s ascension, nowadays Gu Gujia’s patron Gu Liancheng once again convened the various ministers, and the elders and the four church owners gathered together to hold the old cabinet meeting of the parents.

Mentioning this Gu Liancheng, people said that Mujia Gujia, Mu Liancheng and Gu Liancheng have different names and the same names.

Although Gu Mu and two have no feuds, however, the two have a **** for tat!

At the beginning, Mu Xi was very happy, and when he named Mu Liancheng, he was born in Gu Liancheng when he was 100 years old.

At that time, Gu Guzi invited a famous Feng Shui master to test his name. The Feng Shui master said that Gu Liancheng’s life was thin, his life was fierce, and he was alive and well, and he and his father’s life were incompatible with each other.

Named by a university, I changed my life, and the Feng Shui master received a large sum of money. So, I named Gu Liancheng for the newborn child. So, the child’s anger will be passed on to Mu Liancheng. On the body.

Therefore, Gu Laozi immediately took the board and decided the same name for Gu Liancheng.

Sure enough, Mu Liancheng died young, and he should have the words of Mr. Feng Shui.

Gu Jia, ranked first in the four major families, was once a big family, famous for its reputation.

At that time, the Gu family could be said to be the existence of half of the entire gangster. It was a taboo for other families and had a period of great glory.

However, since the family's younger home Gu Gucheng was sick in bed for three years ago, it was once more declining.

Gu Jinglian was only 20 years old when he was in danger.

At that time, if Gu Liancheng had a handful of people, then it would be natural to inherit the rule of the family. Only Gu Jinglian was the only one.

Inheriting the family of the family, only one of the conditions, one of them, must be the identity.

At that time, Gu Liancheng had only two children under his knees.

One is Gu Jinglian, the other is Zhai, Gu Xingze.

Gu Xingze was born and raised abroad because of his identity. When he was very young, he was recalled to Gu Jiacheng by Gu Liancheng. It was not long before Gu Liancheng was sick, and Gu Xingze had no competition.

Gu Jinglian did not put Gu Xingze in her eyes.

Even if Gu Liancheng wants to help him, he is afraid that all the people in the Presbyterian Church will hold opposing opinions.

For a hundred years, Gu Jia has never said that he has set a precedent for being a family owner.

Gu Xingze also has absolutely no such opportunity to create a precedent.

In order to protect the family's prosperity, Gu Liancheng originally wanted to adopt a way of marriage.

At that time, Gu Jinglian was young and self-sufficient. Regardless of how Gu Liancheng used coercion to force and induce, Gu Jinglian suddenly left a letter without saying goodbye. One walk was a year.

During the year, Gu Liancheng's condition deteriorated rapidly, and soon became ill, and an urgent email sent Gu Jinglian back.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Gu Jinglian did not arrive. However, in the hundreds of square meters of the lobby, dozens of men in black suits stood on both sides.

The family members and elders of the Gu family, as well as the four church owners, are sitting in danger, and they are gathered in the eyes of Gu Liancheng who is sitting at the main position.

Gu Liancheng is even sitting, it is difficult.

He was sitting on the wooden chair of the dragon dragon with some wolf, and his look was gray.

Today, he is clearly middle-aged, his hair is gray, the forehead and eyebrows are also deep and wrinkled, and the eyebrows no longer contain vigorous and fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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