Chapter 2664 Restoring Memory

Before he returned, he had already let the subordinates release the wind, but did not expect that there would be such a special "welcome ceremony" today.

It turned out that she wanted to kill people before she went home, and naively thought that this would tamper with the history of the family.


Who is Luo Shengjie?

He doesn't remember it, but there is such courage to do this. Apart from the elders of the cabinet, I really can't think of other people.

A broken red windbreaker was scattered on the ground. In the chaos, Suzaku was shot in the arm and was slightly injured.

The cold footsteps are close.

Time seems to be still at this moment.

She was astonished, but she saw Gu Jinglian standing in front of her and raised her eyebrows slightly.

"You used to rely on Luo Shengjie."

Suzaku bowed his head and said bluntly. "Yes, I am a disciple under the door of Luo Shengtang."

"However, why did you choose me a few minutes ago? Choose to betray Luo Shengtang?" Gu Jinglian asked, it seems to be puzzled.

Suzaku raised his head and slammed his lips, of course, "because you are stronger than him."


Gu Jinglian raised her eyebrows and her face was not shocked.

He suddenly sneered. "According to my means, once any branch has been rebellious, it should be scribbled and rooted, and never suffer."

However, as the words turned, Gu Jinglian looked at her. "But I think you are pleasing to the eye."

Suzaku immediately gave a "heartfelt", "Young Master, let me follow you, I will be your heartfelt man!"

Gu Jinglian was silent for a long while, turned around and threw a sentence, "Tomorrow, you will be glad of your own decision."

Suzaku stood up and looked at his back. "why?"

Hearing him, "Because, I will ruin all those who have a disagreement with me. I hope that you are loyal to me. Otherwise, even if you save me, I will ruin you."

- No room left.


- "Otherwise, I will destroy you personally, leaving no room for it!"

Chu Li suddenly opened his eyes, the pupils violently contracted, when the snow-white ceiling suspended into her eyes, she stunned from the bed, the movements were too big, and the needles were accidentally Earned to fall off.

She had a stagnant needle on her wrist, and the needle was detached from the stagnant needle. The blood rushed up and splashed on the white sheets. It was very eye-catching.

Chu He breathed and undulated, she closed her eyes and quickly realized that she had only made a long nightmare, suddenly awakened by dreams, and her headaches burst, as if to explode!

In the dream, those memories that have been dusted for five years are like broken, bursting into the mind like a lantern, and the scene is floating in front of her eyes.

Gu Jinglian...


Luo Shengtang...


Liu Yuanwei...

... Suzaku!

Chu He slammed his head as if it had been torn, and his eyes were full of blood!

Suzaku...? ?

Suzaku...! !

The name continually swells in her head, and finally turns into a picture that is vividly in sight.

Memory runs through this head, and the scene is like reading a card, constantly transmitting data into her mind.


Suzaku, the name, used to be her code name.

She used to be an agent and later accepted the appointment of Interpol. She officially became a member of the Intelligence Section of the Interpol Anti-Black Group, codenamed Suzaku.

In the past three years, due to the outstanding military achievements, he was directly promoted and promoted, and was officially appointed as the highest level of anti-black supervision.

(End of this chapter)

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