Chapter 2673, he will not derail

"..." Yun Shishi was scared to shudder.

"He won't be derailed!" Yun Shishi clenched his fist. "He is not a man of fancy."

"I can't be alarmist! It seems that you still don't know men?"

Qin Zhou also arrogantly said, "Men, although no matter how hard it is, you can say that men are animals that are thinking about the lower body. It is not without a little basis! Even if the total strength is good, but those fascinating cockroaches/goods outside. Means, can he defend one and prevent a group?"

Yun Shi poetry swallowed.


After Yunshi Shi’s play, he said goodbye to the crew of the crew. When he left the studio, he saw the rest area. Mujazhe sat quietly in the chair waiting for her.

She glanced at the chair he was sitting on, so it was cold.

But the partiality of him sitting there, sitting without anything, the gesture has a sense of nobleness that cannot be embarrassed.

For the first time, she saw someone who could make a chair for a few dollars a chair.

Mu Yazhe saw her, stood up and walked up to her. "Let's finish?"

"Well, are you so early today?"

"Is it early?"

Mu Yazhe raised his hand and glanced at the watch, pointing to the pointer. "Mrs. It’s not too late. It’s late for you to play today."

Yun Shishi looked at the time, "So late?"

"Uh huh."

Mu Yazhe raised his eyebrows. "How can it be so late? Listen to your assistant and say that you are in a bad state these days and you are not feeling well?"

"I don't feel comfortable, no..."

Yun Shi Shi resentfully said, "The main thing is that there are a few dramas that are shot on cliffs. I thought I was not afraid of heights, but I was driving in a car that was going through a very steep mountain road. Looking to the right is the abyss. When you see the cliff, you will inevitably think about it. If you think that the car has not been controlled, if you fly out, you will definitely fall into a broken bone! If you think about it, you will be scared. It is estimated that it is so scared and scared. ""


Is there such a saying?

When people are scared, they will hurt their strength?

Mu Yazhe said, "You have this body, I really don't live up to expectations."

"Hey! I am courageous, can't I?" Yun Shi poetry replied, "If you don't comfort me, you can say it, but also say cool! It is very dangerous! If you are not careful, the car is out of control and flies out, but it is more than a thousand. The cliff of Mi!"

"I never noticed that you are so courageous." Mu Yazhe licked her hair and said, "But it’s a dedication, but I’m not taking you to take such a dangerous script. When I took the script. Someone is ambitious!"

"This has nothing to do with timidity. If you shoot, you will be scared."

Mu Yazhe screamed, "I forgot to tell you, this mountain road, when I was young, I ran across the mountain race here."


Yun Shishi was stunned and asked questioningly, "Mountain Road Race?"

"Well. Mountain road racing, mainly drifting appendix."

"... When was it young?"



Yun Shishi was shocked. "You took part in the underground car when you were 17?"

Mu Yazhe squeezed her face. "It's a formal world-class event, and the top racers are all participating."

"Then you got a place?"

Mu Yazhe shook his head, "No."


Yun Shishi could not help but sneer. "I thought you wanted to say that you have won the championship!"

(End of this chapter)

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