One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2677: Brother-in-law asks for support

Chapter 2677, brother-in-law asks for support

"Feng Qiu Huang", isn't that the crew that started the financing time? It is said to be a gold team, a first-rate screenwriter and director, a strong lineup of players.

“Three days later, I went to the temporary crew of Huanyu Building to report.”


The flower is stunned.

Is this his hug to the thigh?

He originally thought that this brother-in-law was probably harder to talk about.

However, in a word, let him go directly to the crew to report, this strength is too horrible!

There is a kind of hair that is even thicker when he pulls a hair from him casually!

Han Jin is a little excited, and her eyes are staring!

He never dared to think about it, to admire Yazhe's thighs, but did not even think about it, Mu Yazhe's thighs are so easy to hold!

"Feng Qiu Huang", I heard that this drama is a relationship household, the so-called relationship households, that is, the actors are all brought into the group.

"Feng Qiu Huang" is a well-known Gongdou script. Once the news of the filming was launched, it quickly raised up to 300 million yuan. This shows that the word-of-mouth and influence of the original book "Feng Qiu Huang" is beyond doubt.

Most of today's TV series use copyright development and IP adaptation, because the novel originally had a huge market, which greatly reduced the risk of investors.

Therefore, there is no news of the audition on the casting.

I even said that this drama is specially tailored for whom a certain investor is. Huajin is also a small news message. I don’t know which high-level investment in Huanyu, special investment, and a troupe holding a female actress. of.

The male star also determined the candidate early before starting the financing.

"Is it male?"

"You call me a brother-in-law, can I let you play a role other than the protagonist?" Mu Yazhe faintly asked.

Hua Jin was so moved by tears. He suddenly hugged the half arm of Mu Yazhe, and said, "Hey, brother-in-law, you support me, okay?! I will warm the bed, understand things." You can be your confidante..."

Yun Shi’s poems were awkward and they couldn’t help but laugh again.

Mu Yazhe’s face was blue, and she endured nausea, forcibly breaking her arm from his grip, and said with a blank expression, “Roll! Don’t touch me.”

Yun Shishi was once again laughed at by the reaction of Mu Yazhe.

"Hua Jin, don't make trouble with your brother-in-law, your brother-in-law's thighs, but not the average person can hold it! Hold you, you can afford it! Hahaha..."

Yun Shishi held back his smile and said in a serious way, "Moreover, your brother-in-law is not short of people, there is me, and Youyou and Xiao Yuchen."

When I mentioned the warm bed, the last time Xiao Xiaochen had a big joke.

At that time, the textbook learned three characters.

One of them - "Xiang Jiuling, can be warm", because there is a very warm allusion, so the teacher especially focused on this sentence.

In ancient times, there was a yellow incense, and the family was poor. At the age of nine, the mother died. He became more filial and cherished to his father.

In the winter, the weather was cold and there was no heating condition in the house. So Huang Xiang worried that his father was cold and frozen, so he went to his father's room, slept on his bed, and was warmed by me with his own body temperature.

In the summer, the house was extremely hot and there were a lot of mosquitoes and flies, and Huang Xiang used a big fan to fan the fan in the room, and the mosquitoes ran away.

Xiao Yuchen listened to this story and was very moved.

(End of this chapter)

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