Chapter 2681 wants to hear her voice


This guy, should you be so proud?

The palace snorted and snorted. "It’s really cool. I am so hard, I have to stay in the ward for the day and night. You still treat me like this."

Yun Shishi smiled and immediately said, "Small, don't be sad! When are you coming back, waiting for you to come back, I must have a kiss for the first time."

Miyazaki heard the words, his face finally warmed up a few minutes. "My sister hurts me. But I have been busy recently, so I have no way to go back to see you for a while."

"What are you busy?"

"Well... work."

Miyazaki did not say too much in detail, and after a few words, there was no excessive chilling, and he hanged up the video communication.

Only after interrupting the video communication, the mobile phone slipped from his hands.

He fell on the sofa and couldn't help but feel the pain. His face was pale.

Alice walked over to him and looked at him coolly. "It’s also a loss. Can you endure it now, is it painful?"

Miyazaki glanced at her coldly and snorted, but arrogantly said, "This pain, what?"

When the voice did not fall, Alice put out her finger and poked his shoulder. The palace 桀 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 得 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。


"You are not saying, 'This pain, what's it?' I try, you really do not hurt, or it is still painful to bear." Then, Alice put the medicine box in her hand On one side, he emphasized that "the young master, the dressing change, take off the clothes."

Miyazaki reached out and silently pulled the tie, and then slowly released the button.

When I think of the return of today, three people are killed or injured, and I feel that my chest is brewing with a suffocating suffocation and it is difficult to swallow.

He went to Ah Fh this time and sent a group of military and fire ammunition to the battlefield of the front line. When he was preparing to return home, he was surrounded by the other country’s M soldiers. The remote sniper’s deadly shot almost killed his life. .

A Fh is notoriously dangerous.

The reason he took the order was because he exchanged chips in other markets.

This order is dangerous and has to be carried out.

It’s just that he didn’t expect to go through the circle of ghost gates once again.

Alice did not help, but she knew in her heart that this man would be intimate with her, but even so, she would never be allowed to hold him.

He doesn't like any outsiders touching him.

Therefore, knowing that he is injured now, it is very difficult to do some movements, she still does not help.

Miyazaki slowly untied the button and then removed the uniform.

The black shirt inside has been stained with blood.

Fortunately, it is a black shirt, which is smudged by blood. Even so, it does not look big.

"I don't know if you are in the middle of what is evil. If you are injured, you are not the first time to heal the wound. You are not afraid of wound infection."

Miyazaki frowned, but did not speak.


Back to the first thought of the Hurricane Group, I wanted to see the face of Yun Shi poetry.

He missed her.

Crazy generally wants to see her.

The pain is full of chaos, but the only thought is very clear.

I want to hear her voice.

So I called Youyou, but I couldn't say that I was assassinated because I was so worried that I was more worried. So I made up an excuse that was not an excuse, just to see her.

(End of this chapter)

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