One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2692: I can't live without you.

Chapter 2692, I can't live without you.

Mu Yanchen walked in front of the face with no expression, he did not know what he was thinking, but the whole brain was stunned. When chaos, there seemed to be countless noisy sounds.

Daddy, suddenly the sound of Meng Qingxue’s collapse came.

"Yu Chen! Are you willing to give me a minute? I... I have something to say to you!"

Almost all the power of the whole body, she took out this sentence.

Mu Yuchen suddenly slammed his feet, but did not turn around.

Meng Qingxue could not walk anymore. She held her knees, and she was slightly rushed, but she could breathe, but the tears did not feel like rolling.

"Is it very fun to misinterpret my words? Can't you tell, what is swearing, what is envy, what is serious?"

She jerked her head up. "Well, then I tell you, hate you for being angry. It is envious to say that Yunshi poetry is very happy. It is my most serious to say 'I love you' and 'I miss you'. if."


"Mu Yuchen, I don't know, why do I like you? I thought about it for so long, I realized vaguely, probably except for you, in this world, I can't find anyone who loves me more than you. ?"

Meng Qingxue said, his eyes became more and more red, and his tears could not stop.

When Mu Yuchen heard her, her heart was so painful.

It seems to be what is torn.

"My life seems to have been bleak! I left home, went to Beijing to seek development, and also went astray! Into the model company, fortunately, met you, finally someone, can hold me In the palm of your hand, take good care of it and love it! You know, in this world, except for you, probably there will be no second person to be so tolerant of me, to love me! I try to be careful, learn well, for that Don't let you get bored with me. I love you, in this relationship, I must be the humblest one, and the gesture is low into the dust. I know that such humbleness can't change the respect of anyone, even me. I also demeaning myself. Maybe I may be too naive. If I accidentally hit love, I will be so happy that I will not worry about my future life. I don’t even confirm it. Do you really love me? We will have a future, just like a moth pounces on you, thinking that this is love."

After a pause, Meng Qingxue smiled bitterly. "But, unfortunately, you don't seem to love me so much. You are always busy, always pick up my phone, always have a lot of entertainment, there are always many women. Many nights, your side is not me, but someone else's woman. I am sad, lost, jealous, stunned, and thought about it, leaving you, flying far away! There will always be people Love me more than you, and tolerate me, at least, really put me in my heart, only me."

Meng Qingxue took a deep breath and the tears became more and more raging. "But whenever I packed my bags and prepared to leave you, I looked back at the apartment and seemed to have our shadow in every corner. I only I know, I can't lose you at all, and I can't leave you... Maybe you won't have this feeling, because you are so proud, probably whoever left, can't live! But... I'm not the same... I don't same……"

"I can not leave you……"

"Leave you, wherever I go, there is no goal..."

Writing this paragraph is particularly touching, I don't know why. PS: Go eat first, come back and make up two thousand.

(End of this chapter)

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