Chapter 2711 Disputes over custody

When Chu He woke up again, he knew that he felt a chill in his body.

She suddenly opened her eyes and looked around, but she found herself in an icy and wet cellar.

cellar? !

It is said that it is the cellar. To be precise, this is the underground jail of the Gu family. It is specially used to detain those traitors who betray the family.

A lot of torture tools are placed in the dungeon.

When Chu He first entered the family, he was fortunate enough to see a retrospective.

She did not know how cruel the tortures of the Qing Dynasty were.

She only saw it with her own eyes. Gu’s ancient craftsmanship tools are enough to force a rigorous person to be rigorous, and can be screamed and screamed here.

Chu He subconsciously wanted to stand up, but only got up, and the ankle was dragged back by a force and she was caught off guard. She almost fell forward and fell to the ground.

She looked back and saw that she was shocked that her limbs were chained to death!

Her wrists were hung up by chains.

And her feet are also tightly entangled in the chain.

Damn it!

Chu He bit his lip and stared at the bruise that was pulled out of the chain by his hand, and the muscles on his face tightened.

"I said very early, Gu Jia is never the place where you want to come and want to leave."

Not far away, Gu Jinglian's bad voice came again.

Chu He raised his head and a pair of red eyes followed.

I saw him sitting gracefully on the officer's chair, his legs overlapping gracefully, and the hand of the jade fingers in the hand was casually manipulated. The casual appearance, and the cold and cold hustle and bustle of the moment, formed an inexplicable fit.

Chu He has never feared anyone.

But only Gu Jinglian.

On his body, there is a breath that is daunting.

Even if he does nothing, he says nothing, sitting there alone, and his body will show a creepy temperament, especially the cold front that his eye-catching eyes are inadvertently flashing, which is really frightening.

Use an animal to describe Gu Jinglian's words -

It must be a cold-blooded creature like a snake.

It’s his eyes. When he settles on anyone, he always feels like there is a cold snake lying on his shoulder. A pair of snakes expand and squint, and the snake is getting tighter and tighter. People have the illusion of suffocation.

At this moment, Gu Jinglian’s eyes fell on her body, and Chu’s breath gradually rose and swelled, and it was difficult to calm down.

"What do you want?" Chu said with a grin.

"You are alone, and you dare to take care of your house." Gu Jinglian slammed the ground, cold and cold, and asked slowly, "I want to ask you, what do you want!"

"My purpose is clear!"

Chu He is not obscured, simply negotiating with him, word by word, "I came to take away Xiaobao!"

"Xiaobao is my son." Gu Jinglian faintly revealed a fact.

Chu He groaned, and then cold and sneer, "This is my son, his body is flowing with my blood!"

"Similarly, his body is also flowing my blood!"

After Gu Jinglian finished, her eyebrows seemed to be a bit entangled. "We seem to have a dispute over custody?"


"Listen, I can let you go, but there is a condition."

Chu said with a grin, "What conditions?"

(End of this chapter)

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