Chapter 2716 Red Lotus? is her?

Chu Xiaobao clamored for a mother, and if he came to Fu Bo, he couldn’t help himself.

Gu Jinglian couldn't bear it, and said, "No cry! You cry again, you will never see her again!"

Chu Xiaobao twitched and naively asked, "Can Xiaobao not cry, can you see his mother?"

"As long as you don't cry!"

Chu Xiaobao immediately nodded, "Good! Xiaobao does not cry!"

It is an agreement!

Gu Jinglian walked out of the bedroom and immediately ordered, "Go and clean the woman."

"...?" Forbe heard it, but it was a bit foggy.

He only heard that there is a daring woman who is good at home.

The lord sent the woman to the cellar. I heard that this woman is the biological mother of Chu Xiaobao. He has not had time to find out what happened!

"The woman that the lord said is the woman who was locked in the cellar?"


Gu Jinglian looked disgusted and said, "Xiaobao clamored for her mother, to clean her up, don't make it bloody!"

"Yes, I understand."

Fu Bo slammed the ground and watched Gu Jinglian leave the room. I don't know where to go.

He naturally did not dare to ask him where he was.

On the way to the cellar, Fu Bo thought all the way, thinking about what kind of woman, can actually bear the bones of the master.

Should it be a pretty woman?

The lord looks very tight about the woman.

Contraceptive measures are done properly and never cause such a thing.

You must know that the temper of the lord is very bad, and there is no patience for the woman.

This character is not born in nature, but is cultivated in the family from an early age.

The violent environment has long been his extremely hazy character.

It’s just that Fu Bo’s heart is clear. The lord’s nature is not bad. It’s just that it’s always called for the rain. It’s been spoiled. He wants the moon in the sky. No one dares to pick the stars for him.

So I developed a character that is unique.

His character is very cold, or it has a soft side, but it is awkward to say.

He will never allow himself to show too much tenderness.

One is because of his identity.

He is the leader of the family, and as the owner of the family, he must conform to the inherent image of this identity.

Second, there are many eyes on the top of the house.

Just like the lion's command, only the one who is the most embarrassed can be aweed by all.

It’s just that, after all, it’s a physical fetus.

After all, he showed the soft side.

Going to the cellar, a few people watching Chu He came to see him, like a big brother, "Fu Bo, you are here! How did the master speak?"

"How is the person?" Fouber took the lead to ask.

"Fouber, look at it first? The talented person fainted again, we don't know what to do?"

"Master said, bring people back to the room first."

Fu Bo said, walked to the side of Chuhe and lowered his body to see her.

"This person, it will not be mad, right?" Fu Bo was a little worried.

He saw her bruised and bruised, his hair cluttered to his face, his body was saltwater, and he had three whip marks on his back, which was very eye-catching and bloody.

This is the girl!

How to start so heavy.

"There is still gas, that is... I just got a little embarrassed, I don’t know..."

The effort to speak, Fu Bo has already turned the person over.

It doesn't matter if you don't turn over.

As soon as he turned over, he really scared Fu Bo.

(End of this chapter)

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