Chapter 2742 Unscrupulous Media

He wants to look at it a little more and look at it a little more, but the more he looks, the more he will add sadness.

He really, really can't accept such cruel facts!

Is Xing Ze really dead?

Soon after, it will be like a dead person, in the funeral parlour, turned into a cluster of small ashes, buried in such a dark grave, not seeing the sky.

Qin Zhou suddenly felt so sad, tears could not stop.

He is not a vulnerable person, but now, until profoundly clear, Gu Xingze can no longer come back, and he feels the pain of losing his best friend!

Qin Zhou endured forbearance, endured and endured, and then stood up in a strong spirit, gently reaching out and putting Gu Xingze’s eyes closed without hand.

"You didn't always say, want to sleep well?"

Qin Zhou looked at him and twisted his eyebrows, but he smiled. "Now, you can rest well, and the rest will be handed over to me."

He turned and slowly left.

When I walked to the door, several high-rise leaders looked around and Qin Zhou stopped them.

"stop looking!"

As he spoke, he took the door with him.

"What happened to Xingze?"

"We received a message saying that Xing Ze had an accident. What happened?"

Qin Zhou glanced at them, his eyes were empty and his voice was clear. "Xingze is sleeping, don't wake him up."


A few high-level faces, obviously do not know what is going on, but most of them are the brains of the light, listening to Qin Zhou said so, the heart also roughly confirmed the speculation.

Gu Xingze is gone!

Sleep forever!

The debut of the entertainment circle for ten years has always been the most dazzling star of the moment. Today, it is really like a meteor, and it has fallen into the Milky Way!

- Stars sleep, don't wake him up.

He used to complain with Qin Zhou. He always slept well at night. Qin Zhou knew that his mental state was very poor and he was very worried.

He is deeply savvy. Gu Xingze has been debuting for more than eleven years. He has been flying around the world for many years, and his sleep is very bad.

Also, with severe neurasthenia and depression, it has always been taken with drugs.

It was announced that he had withdrawn from the entertainment circle because of Yun Shishi, and his private doctor had three-phase persuasion. He hoped that he would go to the United States/Country to cooperate in the treatment of depression.

Gu Xingze also gave up, just exited the entertainment circle, announced that it was too sudden, and made Qin Zhou somewhat unprepared.

Why did he fall in love with Yun Shishi?

Probably because Yun Shishi is the only one that can drive him out of the darkness.

There are only a few things that really can't be forced.

Really can't force it!

However, he thought about countless kinds of things about his future life.

Perhaps, in the United States / the country, cured depression.

Perhaps, in a foreign country, I met a suitable and loving girl.

Perhaps, two years later, he will marry a woman who loves, have a child, live a quiet life...

However, he thought of 10,000 kinds of his future life, but he could not think of life and death. It was such a bad news.

How does this accept him?

Qin Zhou only when he is asleep, perhaps, for him, is also a relief in disguise!

People can't resurrect.

I only hope that he can rest quietly.


Gu Xingze’s death was revealed, and even if the night was dark, many media also heard the news and clung to the door.

(End of this chapter)

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