Chapter 2746 is blind?

You are obviously dumbfounded.

blindness! ?

How could this be!

The three people bowed their heads and looked at each other with mixed feelings.

The good news is that she is out of danger. At least, people are still good, and more importantly, the flesh in the stomach is finally shocked and saved!

The worry is that the cornea of ​​Yun Shishi is seriously damaged.

The texture of the glass is very hard, and the cornea is not damaged by a little bit.

So fragile eyes, not even sand, let alone glass slag.

Hua Jin is very distressed.

You are blessed to bite your teeth!

Mommy will never be unreasonable, something like this!

Who must be!

Who must be the hands and feet!

Who is the mother! ?

After you thought about it, you suddenly saw a person’s face in your mind.

Yan Bingqing!

Locked the face of Yan Bingqing, Yuyou fiercely clenched his fist!

He is smarter, and he never wants to get it. The culprit behind this incident is Yunna. He didn’t know that Yunna was still alive and returned to Beijing.

The front-end time Ji Yan and Mommy have had no small disputes. After he checked the details of Ji Yan, it really confirmed her speculation. Ji Yan is Yan Bingqing himself!

When he thought of it, he was furious!

The small milk bag identified that Yan Bingqing had a bad mother, so she hated her teeth.

He immediately went aside, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Li Hanlin’s number.

In the middle of the night, Li Hanlin was awakened by the phone. After learning about this incident, he immediately promised to send someone to Yan Bingqing, which is Ji Yan!

After the phone call back to the door of the operating room, Qin Zhou has been busy dealing with Gu Xingze.

The surgical door just opened.

Youyou immediately rushed forward and saw a group of nurses and doctors rushing out of the operating bed.

Hua Jin immediately encircled, and You You and Xiao Yuchen also ran to the side of the operating bed, holding their eyes on the edge of the bed with anxiety, and staring at the person lying on the bed.

Yun Shishi is lying in the surgical trauma, his body is straight, his face is very embarrassing, like a white paper, a pair of eyes are covered by white gauze, but the slight infiltration of blood on the gauze, but it can not be concealed, Hua Jin met, Even more worried!

Especially Yu You and Xiao Yuchen, the heart is extremely painful.

The local anesthesia used in the operation, the effect of the drug faded very quickly. Just after the door of the operating room, Yun Shishi suddenly reacted. She jerked the sheets and tried to open her eyes.

However, the thick traces of the corners of the eyes seem to stick the eyelids together and it hurts.

She hurts to bite the roots and subconsciously reaches out as if she wants to grab something.

Yu You only wanted to reach out, but Hua Jin first took her hand tightly.

"Poetry, nothing... I am here, nothing..."


Yun Shishi’s subconscious escape is the name that surprised him.

The flowers are smashed.

However, I listened to Yun Shi’s poems and asked me in a hurry. "How about Xing Ze...Xing Ze?"

Her voice sounded very weak and weak, but even so, she still stubbornly wanted to know if Gu Xingze was safe and sound.

Hua Jin bit his lip, he did not know what happened at the time, but now, it is not the time to understand things!

Just out of the operating room, the first time, always have a good rest!

"Poetry, you don't think so much for the time being, you are going to enter the ward soon. You should take a good sleep first, don't think about anything! Wake up and say anything!"

"No, I can't wait, I can't wait..."

(End of this chapter)

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