Chapter 2765 Memorial Society (2)

However, there are also fans who have difficulty controlling the mood of sadness.

Until the funeral car passed by in front of me, at that moment, as if the world had collapsed, the fans collectively burst into tears!

Even crazy fans stepped on the door and cried, "Xingze, don't leave us! Xingze, you wake up! Xingze, Xingze... Hey..."

Everyone was infected by this desperate and helpless cry, tears *** the whole face.

The memorial hall of the Hongyang Funeral Home in Beijing has been completely furnished.

Many stars sent a wreath.

There are many stars who come to mourn, most of them are artists who have cooperated with Gu Xingze and presented a wreath of mourning.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, many stars rushed to the scene with a nanny car.

I don't know whether it is true or not, or as a play, as if to match the atmosphere, whether it is a male artist or a female artist, and I cry a lot.

After all, when attending such an occasion, fans and the media are all there. If a tear does not fall, it will be reported by the media that it is cold-blooded and is accused by fans.

In particular, Lin Zhi, although there is no her in the list of invitations, but she is profound, this is a rare opportunity for speculation.

Gu Xingze's memorial service is extremely sensational, and more than a hundred media will participate, and there will be overwhelming reports.

If she participates, she will be able to improve her exposure!

Of course, do a full set of play.

Her acting skills are good, it is even more difficult to drop a few tears.

Therefore, just after walking down from the nanny car, Lin Zhi slammed his face with a handkerchief, red eyes, and the mood had long been brewed on the way.

When I got out of the car, I was assisted by the assistant. I cried all the way to the memorial hall.

Qin Zhou stood in the doorway, dressed in black, and couldn't see Lin Zhi, who was coming to the memorial hall. He slammed a bit and quickly gnashed his teeth!

This Linzhi, even this time, she still does not forget the hype! ?

When Lin Zhi walked over to him, he warned evilly. "If you don't ask for it, please don't mess up at the memorial service! Otherwise, I must stop you!"

Lin Zhi was shocked by Qin Zhou’s threatening words, and he was very guilty. “I really sincerely bid farewell to Xingze! The predecessors of Xingze have been debuting for so many years, I have always respected them!”

"That is the best!"

When Qin Zhou finished, he would no longer look at her.

Lin Zhi gently patted her chest, and some of her guilty wiped her tears and walked into the venue.

Outside the door, the fans obey the arrangement of the venue staff and line up.

The memorial service begins, but there are still twenty minutes.

Some people can't help but talk. "You said, will Yunshi poetry come today?!"

"Should be it!! After all, her virgin/female movie is starring with Gu Xingze, and she also starred in a reality show as a imaginary lover! And, recently, the ultimate youth, she and her. Gu Xingze starred together, she should come!"

"If it wasn't for Xing Ze, Yun Shi poetry would definitely not be in this position. I like her, and because she and Xing Ze together played "Green Fruit"! If it is not Xing Ze, who will notice her?!"

"Me too. If it is not Xingze, I don't know the name "Yun Shishi"."

(End of this chapter)

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