Chapter 2767, I will send him.

Because the artist has to rely on the image to eat after all.

Moreover, so many paparazzi are on the scene, if the person wants to photograph the eyes swollen, it is inevitable to lose face.

However, the vast majority of the situation with sunglasses is to hide their indifference.

The stars that come from the funeral are only a minority. More stars are treating the funeral of the big star as an opportunity to show themselves.

Because in addition to various awards parties, the funeral of the big star should be the highest density of stars.

In the funeral, and the feelings have not reached that level, how to look at the sorrows that come out, so I have to use sunglasses to cover up, let the kind people think of the pair of wet and damp eyes behind the sunglasses as It’s a pair of eyes that have already cried red.

In addition, it is to prevent sneak shots.

This is of course a kind of cover up, and it usually happens to female stars.

Female stars appear to be in a public place, but the funeral seems to be the only place that is not suitable for female stars. The colors are not needed and the atmosphere is not needed.

Once the female stars have given up their gorgeous clothes and mysterious make-up, most of them will not be confident about their image, and a pair of sunglasses is equivalent to claiming that they are in an imperfect state.

Because they know that the ubiquitous entertainment records will never miss the star's funeral.

The stars at the funeral are popular with sunglasses. After all, as an entertainer, they are acting all the time.

When they attended the funeral, they also did not forget that they were actors.

The fan said yin and yang, "I think, she must have come to the exposure rate?! The first drama from the debut is to take advantage of the popularity of the stars! But the stars are no longer, even At the last moment, she did not forget the heat! Moreover, when you look at her, his face is clean, a tear does not stay, and he still holds Mu Yazhe. This is not to show the exposure of the media! ?"

"Yeah! I also found out that she didn't cry at all! Wearing sunglasses, isn't it just to hide myself from tears?!"

"It's really annoying! I didn't expect her to be such a person!"

"If it wasn't for Xing Ze to hold her, who would remember her name?! Since there is no relationship with Xing Ze, I still have to take it for me to participate in the memorial service? Oh! It must be for the exposure rate! Today's memorial service, All the media are coming! With such a good opportunity, she naturally has to think about hot spots!"

Yun Shishi did not hear these whispers.

She had no intention of managing other people and things on the scene, and she was in a heavy mood, like a boulder oppression.

She tried to bear her emotions and held the tears of the break as much as possible, and slowly walked into the memorial hall.

Qin Zhou stood at the door and saw her come. First, he was slightly stunned, but hugged with her.

For her arrival, Qin Zhou is inevitably somewhat surprised.

"How come you?" Qin Zhou paused and added, "In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't come."

"Qin Zhou...I..."

Yun Shi poetry can no longer hold back, sobbing and authentic, "...I am coming...delivering him."

"Are you alright?" Qin Zhou saw her state, it seems very pessimistic.

"Not good, not good at all."

Yun Shishi took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, I am a little out of order..."

"Don't cry... Stars must hope that you can live well, be happy forever!

(End of this chapter)

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