Chapter 2776 asks me to ask you?

Miyazaki immediately put the bowl up, took a spoonful of millet porridge, and got close to her mouth, and said, "Let's eat a little, just eat a little..."

The lips of Yun Shishi’s lips were slightly spread, but nothing happened.

Gong Yi looked at Mu Yazhe and showed helpless eyes.

For the first time, Mujazhe saw that he was so helpless.

"I still refuse to eat."

Mu Yazhe asked, but it is a positive sentence.

Gong Gong nodded.

"I haven't eaten for a few days. I only drink a little water. It's just a nutrient solution. It's not enough to maintain the supply of nutrition!"

Miyazaki said, very distressed to look at the thin squat of Yun Shi poetry, in the past few days, she was born to be hungry out of the face.

In the past, she was a standard goose egg face beauty, her chin was sharp, but it was not a melon face, it looked beautiful and charming.

She was thin and she is now a lot thinner.

Miyazaki worried that she would resist eating so much, and it would turn into a physiological anorexia.

Every day, the doctor comes to the ward to do the inspection. She has not eaten for a few days. The doctor will worry that if she goes on for a long time and resists eating for a long time, the most serious problem is that she suffers from anorexia nervosa, the most direct consequence. It is a long-term imbalance of nutrition, the fetus will stop developing, and can only be aborted.

The doctor asked them to find a way to persuade her to eat.

She is now only psychologically resistant to eating, or has been irritated by the stimuli, and her spirit is paralyzed, so there is no concept of eating.

In the past few days, she was about to defeat her.

Gu Xingze passed away and lost sight. Therefore, she has no concept of time change.

In general, such patients suffer from a major stimulus in spirit, which is necessarily a feeling of conflict or even rejection of anything.

Rejecting eating, repelling communication with people, and rejecting the world.

The heart has been shrouded in darkness.

When this piece of darkness can be expelled, the bell is also tied to the bell.

But this bellman is no longer there.

The doctor also took her helplessly.

The physical illness is good to heal, but this heart disease is difficult to solve.

Nor did she try to intervene psychologically, but even if she was a senior psychiatrist sitting in front of her, she did not react.

After she lost her eyes, she seemed to have lost her ability to perceive the world.

She doesn't seem to hear any sound.

The psychiatrist said she has closed the door to the entire world.

Keep yourself in the fort and build a high wall, no one is allowed to enter.

The doctor asked them to try to feed her into the food. Otherwise, the situation is not optimistic.

Even if you are blessed, Xiao Yuchen, Gong Gong, and even Mu Yazhe are locked out.

Mu Yazhe went to the bed and took over his job.

He took the bowl and sent a porridge to her mouth with a spoon.

"Poetry, eat a little, even if it is a bite!"

Yun Shi poetry looked at him with a hollow eye, but obviously he was not looking at him, as if he had penetrated his body and did not know what to look at.

I don't know what she is thinking!

There is a great powerlessness and panic that permeates the heart.

Mu Yazhe’s throat is hoarse and succinct. “You must torture yourself like this, will you be willing? You think that Gu Xingze wants to see you like this!”


"I want you to beg you?"

(End of this chapter)

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