Chapter 2803, you have a sister! (3)

Yun Shishi smiled and immediately took the message. "Today, Mommy went to the hospital for a medical checkup! After doing B-over, the doctor told us! I said that I have a little princess in my stomach! You are not going to When is your brother?!"

Xiao Yuchen heard it, excited and excited, "Wow, wow! Really!? God! Really a sister! Is my dream finally realized??"

"Don't be excited!"

Youyou has a row of his shoulders, so he calmly said, "Is the B-ultrasound accurate?! I heard that some of the inspections are not necessarily accurate!"

"Of course it's accurate! Fool!" Mu Yazhe glanced at him and asked, "Do you think that you like your brother more than your sister?"

"Do not……"

Youyou subconsciously insisted, "I prefer sister! But..."

The surprise came too suddenly, and afterwards, I realized that I was able to react. I saw a happy expression on the face of Yun Shi’s poem. I also looked at the face of Mu Yazhe and Hua Jin. It was also a pleasant surprise and finally believed. It is.

However, compared to the smaller one, his way of expressing surprise, like Mu Yazhe, is very restrained.

Waiting for him to hold the drink cup calmly, trying to drink a juice to calm his mood, but after drinking most of the cup, he still can't suppress the ecstasy of his heart!

Putting the cup on the table, his face immediately showed a very touching expression. The whole world, all the flowers bloomed, the fireworks rose, and the mood was very bright!

"I have a sister!"

Yu You squatted on the chest, where the heartbeat intensified and fluttered.


So touched!

This is simply good news!

Xiao Yuchen is also excited and excited, "How long do I have to wait until I have a lovely sister?!"

"How are you more anxious than you?"

Hua Jin smiled and looked at him. "Let's wait, at least six months!"

Yu You was much more careful than Xiao Yuchen. He suddenly asked nervously, "Mummy, since the birth check, what about the fetus?"

Yun Shishi can't hide the excitement. "It's very stable. Your sister is developing very well in the stomach! It's very healthy! The doctor said, it must be a clever little princess!"

A high hanging boulder in the heart of Yu You finally settled down.

He smiled gratifiedly. "Whether it is a boy or a girl, it is good to be healthy and safe!"

He has always been sensible.

Although I am more eager to have a younger sister, he will be a brother, and he will love this sister!

But some time ago, Mommy’s body was awful.

Not a hunger strike, it is blindness. During that time, he felt that the sky is about to fall down!

Later, I took it home, and I took care of it. I pushed a lot of work and squatted. The family was afraid, and I was afraid that the child in this stomach had something unexpected and brought a second blow to Mommy.

However, now that the birth check is down, the fetus is all well, and he is completely relieved!

"Today is a good day to celebrate!"

Hua Jin took everyone's juice and took the lead in picking up the goblet. He said, "Would we like to raise a toast!"

"Good." Mu Yazhe nodded.

Yun Shishi smiled and reached for the cup, Mu Yazhe met, and thoughtfully pushed the goblet to her hand, she held it firmly, carefully raised it, smiled sweetly, "cheers!"


The crowd raised the cup and collided gently with her cup, making a "squeaky" sound of collision.


Everyone cheered together.

Mu Yazhe was especially happy, drinking the juice, and Yuyou also drank the juice from the cup. By not paying attention to his gap, he gently reached out and wiped away the tears from the corner of his eyes. .

Aside, Xiao Yuchen was found at the tip of his eye. He couldn’t help but stunned his shoulder and smiled. "Youyou, we want to be my brother!"

"Yeah!" Youyou nodded heavily.

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(End of this chapter)

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