Chapter 2808 King Yang

Han Jin meditated on the name and smiled awkwardly. "It is also good. It seems that for Gu Xingze, it is not a new life."

His heart is inevitably somewhat frustrated.

Not the same as those who are blind.

Yun Shishi originally had normal vision, but once he lost his sight and fell into the ridiculous darkness, what kind of despair would be.

Whenever he saw her groping, he tried to take a look for something, and he looked very distressed.

Whenever she saw it, she sat quietly on the sofa, lowered her head, and looked at her belly with great affection. At that moment, the maternal radiance radiated from her body was soft and warm.

"It doesn't matter. In the future, there will always be a source of corneal donors. I will pay more attention."

Hua Jin is optimistic, "When you have a baby, when you are stable, it is not too late to have surgery."


Yun Shishi and two small beans were scattered. When they got home, Huajin had already washed the bowls.

Xiao Yuchen said in a sigh of praise, "Uncle Hua Jin is very good, the craftsmanship of cooking is also good, and the dishes are washed very clean."

Hua Jin listened, and could not help but laugh.

He crouched down and reached out and pinched the cheek of Xiao Xiaochen's powder. "Do you really think that my craft is great?"


"I thought that your little mouth was spoiled by the skill of Youyou. I didn't expect that if I made the meal, you wouldn't even give up."

Hua Jin sighed with relief.

Aside, Youyou is light and swaying. "Although the dishes you make are not so refined, you can finally swallow."

Han Jin, "..."

Yun Shishi was amused on the side, "噗嗤" smiled, "Youyou, you don't want to be too picky! Do you think everyone is like you? When you are born, you have a gift of food."

You are proud of your hands and arms, and some are floating.

Mu Yazhe snorted on the side. "I wonder if your guy is genetically mutated."

"Because I am very particular about food!"

Yuyou proudly said, "Who is like Xiao Xiaochen, the fried egg fried rice is also delicious."

"Cough." Yun Shi poetry cleared the scorpion.

That was a long time ago.

She once had a whim, and she cooked an egg fried rice and greeted the two little guys.

As a result, Yuyou looked at it and even fried it. He threw the fried rice to the side, but he saw Xiao Xiaochen holding a fried rice. Mommy's craftsmanship is awesome, fried rice is delicious!"

I don't know if it's true, I can't eat the fried rice. I still find it hard to eat, but in order to ignore Mommy's face, I can't help but show it very delicious.

Xiao Yuchen argued that "Mummy fried rice is really good!"

He really can't eat it.

Plus, that day he was hungry, patronizing the glutinous rice, and did not feel any strange smell.

Yun Shishi immediately raised his hand and surrendered. "Okay! Ok! Youyou, you cook the best, Mommy is not as good as you, satisfied?"

Youyou heard the words, this is complete, it seems that this way, you can stabilize the "chef position" in this family, the face showed a proud and full of expression.

Mu Yazhe and Hua Jin looked at each other and they were helpless.

Hua Jin deliberately joked, "Youyou, you can't be so swelled! It's just that cooking is better, what is unusual!"

Yuyou gave him a proud look.

The whole family is amused.

I saw the comment area. As for Jing Yang, someone was spoiled... Hey, okay, is it so easy to see through it?

(End of this chapter)

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