Chapter 2833, I will take you to eat.

‘Flower Jin, if such a small request can’t be met, I must be depressed! ”

Hua Jin looked at her with a distressed look.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, such a request is really too emotional.

But in his opinion, he is very understandable.

Be aware that when others are pregnant, at least the eyes are easy to use. Even when they are particularly eager for something, they can distract themselves by doing something else.

But she can't.

She can't do anything, she can't do anything.

Painting, embroidery watching TV, surfing the Internet, playing games...

Even walking, you need someone to help.

It is boring.

Probably not many people can bear it, maybe, for other people, afraid of suffering from depression.

Han Jin hesitated for a long while, slammed the ground, touched the phone and said, "You wait!"

"Well? What are you doing?"

She curiously asked, but Hua Jin did not answer the first time, only heard the voice of the mobile phone constantly switching.

A few minutes later, Hua Jin put down her mobile phone and said to her, "I just checked the information and said that if it is only a little bit, it is not too important to eat a little ice occasionally. Plus the weather is hot now, not too much taboo. !"


Han Jin hit a ring, "Moderate! Right, right!"

"Yes, I am right?"

Yun Shishi is excited and excited. "Before, it is said that pregnant women can't face the computer for a long time, there will be radiation! But in fact? When I used to go to work, many of my colleagues were pregnant, but I didn't see any one and resigned. I did it! Before I was about to give birth, I put the maternity leave back to the production, and the little guy who was born was healthy and healthy!"

"But there is no ice cream at home."

Han Jin looked at her face and said carefully, "It has been eaten by Youyou and Xiao Yuchen!"

"...the two little guys, how to eat so fiercely..."

She shattered and thought, Hua Jin looked at her and laughed. "Good, don't read, I am going to take you to the ice cream now, okay?"


"Then, change clothes."

"it is good!"

Hua Jin took her hand and waited for her to come to the cloakroom, take the clothes to her, then close the door and let her change clothes.

He wears a home uniform, and it doesn't matter if you don't change it.

After Yunshi poetry changed clothes, Huajin secretly stole a key, took her to the garage with her hands, and helped her into the passenger seat, then sat in the car and started the car.

"It’s already twelve o'clock, I am afraid that there is no ice cream shop open!"

"It doesn't matter if Haagen-Dazs does not matter!"

Hua Jin held the steering wheel and thought for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up. "I know a place."


“The biggest night market in Jing’an District. Where, there are many nightingales, now on such a hot day, every store will start selling Baxi ice cream boxes!”

"Eight hi!"

Yun Shishi listened to the secretion of saliva more powerfully. "Eight hi is also delicious."

"Okay! Little cat! I will take you to eat!"

Hua Jin’s foot throttle, the car slowly drove out of the garage. He spoke to Yun Shi’s poems, but forgot to look at the rearview mirror. After he drove out of the garage, he parked a luxury sedan at the door. The ground keeps up.

Hua Jin drove the car, along the way, not too slow, Yun Shi poetry immediately thought of eating the beloved ice cream, the mood is also very pleasant.

(End of this chapter)

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