Chapter 2841 meets in a narrow way 3

Everyone heard the words, and once I heard this, I suddenly understood it.

It turned out that this woman who seems to be filled with indignation is the original match, and this sitting in the seat, looks pitiful, is actually a junior! ?

"I haven't seen my husband for a long time! When I was pregnant, as a husband, I didn't stay with me, take care of me, but stayed with me all day long, taking care of her, loving her! I count what?!"

Meng Qingxue was shocked and looked around, but she saw people around her show it to her, pointing at her and talking.

"Hey! The little three is really crazy now! This original match is really pitiful. I am pregnant, but I am not taking care of me."

"Is the third child pregnant too?"

"You see her, if you are not pregnant, why are you here? It is estimated that it is also for the checkup! And it should be five months to see her belly!"

"Small three and the original are pregnant!?"

"It’s so rare! This man has a lot of slag, so the original and the third are pregnant at the same time! It’s disgusting!”

She bit her lip and looked at Song Enya with anger.

This woman, who is really poisonous, wants to use public opinion to accuse her and suppress her!

Song Enya said again, "You don't know?! Next month, my husband and I will get married, but this woman is clear that she wants to be disgusting! I don't know what method she used, will my husband Tied to her side, she must have been blowing in my husband’s ear for two months! My husband never asked me a question, and I have never seen me and my child! I... I really don’t know what to do... ..."

She said that at the end of the day, her eyes were red, and her face was covered with a hand, and a soothing sob was heard.

Everyone listened, and they were filled with indignation and began to insult.

"This woman is really shameless!"

"Why is Xiao San so disgusting? I think she looks pretty pretty. What kind of man is there? What are you doing?"

"I don't know if this man is rich! Now this world is not like this? But a man with a little money is very easy to inflate, and the red flag does not fall at home, and the flags are fluttering outside! Just like the ancient emperor!"

"It’s awful to be a junior, and a hateful husband! Don’t marry such a man!”

Song Enya wiped his tears and said, "There is no way to regret it. The children have it. You can't let the child get born. Then there is no father?"

"Yeah, this is a problem!"

Some elderly people are particularly uncomfortable. They point to Meng Qingxue and say, "If you have a little conscience, don't take the husband of your family! As for the child in your stomach, quickly kill it! It’s people’s, even if you grab it, can your conscience be safe??”

"Yes! A good girl, what to do in a marriage?!! You are going to be retribution!"

Meng Qingxue raised his head and sank, "I am not a junior!"

Song Enya yelled at her, "What are you talking about?"

"I said -" Meng Qingxue suddenly got up and stood face to face with her. He said to him, "I am not a junior! You are!"

Everyone heard it and was surprised.

This situation can't help but be a bit messy. Some foggy flowers can't be understood.

This is a lot of different opinions. I will say that this is a small three. I will say that it is a small three. Who is the third party?

(End of this chapter)

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