Chapter 2855 awake

Foub explained, "Master, she has not eaten for more than two months and has been maintained by nutrient solution."

Gu Jinglian’s dawn has changed slightly. "I know."

Daddy, he asked seriously, "Will she still wake up?"

"...of course I will wake up!"

Gu Jinglian sighed and slammed her lips. "I thought she became a vegetative person."

Fu Bo cold sweated a bit.

He also thought that Gu Jinglian said that she would like to see her because she cared about her. Unexpectedly, this indifferent lord came over to see if people died.

This made him a little crying and laughing!

Thinking of this, Fu Bo asked carefully, "If she woke up, how should the master plan to dispose of her?"

"If she is not the mother of Cheng Ze, she will not live the present."

Gu Jinglian paused, and then thought of Gu Chengze, his face changed.

In fact, if Chu He is not the mother of Chu Xiaobao, if he is not scrupulous, he will kill this woman, Chu Xiaobao will be heartbroken, and, then, a child of a young age will certainly not accept the fact that the character is big. If it changes, the scene will not be clean up.

It is even more difficult to imagine, in case one day, the child knows this fact and how to hate him.

He originally hated children, but perhaps it was the blood flowing in the body of the child, and the strangeness of the ancient spirits also added a lot of fun to his boring life, and brought a lot of boring family. Laughing and laughing.

So he planned to keep the child.

"As long as he does not cause any trouble for the child's custody, she can stay at the family."

Gu Jinglian paused and gave him a look. "What? You pity her?"

"This girl is still so young. It is said that she was a second-in-command at Interpol in her early years. Perhaps she would stay with her family. If it is cultivated, it will be useful!"

Gu Jinglian interrupted him and said, "At the beginning, she approached me and collected my evidence with the order of the organization. At that time, I was too lightly taken, otherwise she would not let her succeed. She betrayed me, you think, Will I leave a woman who is unfaithful to me?"

"Master... Look at the children's face, those past events, don't pursue it more!" Fubo said with a heavy heart.

"I said, you can keep her. But if she dares to play tricks, oh, I don't mind to accompany you."

After that, Gu Jinglian turned and left the room.

Fu Bo looked at the person on the bed and immediately followed suit.

After the door was closed, the eyelids of the people on the bed suddenly moved, and the little finger twitched a few times, and the eyes opened open.

Chu He opened his eyes, long-lasting darkness, and once it touched the light, it was a little irritating.

She immediately squinted her eyes. However, the words that Gu Jinglian said were still echoing.

Gu Jinglian...

She gnawed her name in gnashing her teeth, and her eyes were sharp and sharp.

Red Lotus, the name, is taken from "Lian".

Lotus, both lotus.

This is also the reason why Gu Jinglian left her with her.

Gu Jinglian, this man, she has read countless people, and she has never seen such a cold man.


"Fu Bo, Fu Bo..."

A maid found Fu Bo in a panic.

Fu Bo saw her in a hurry, panting, dancing and expressing something, frowning, "What is it?"

"Fouber, she woke up!"


(End of this chapter)

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