Chapter 2857 second hit face

As long as it is about Xiaobao, even if it is a funny anecdote that happens while eating and sleeping, she does not want to miss it.

When she finished eating and put down the chopsticks, Chu He looked at him and suddenly frowned. "Fouber, if I am in good health, can I leave here with Xiaobao?"

Fu Bo listened, and for a long time, asked her, "Is it not good to let Xiaobao stay in Gujia?"

Chu He couldn't help but tighten the knuckles, biting his lip and taking a deep breath.

"If it is the man, I don't want to."

Forbee is puzzled, "Why?"

"Only because he is Gu Jinglian."

Such a demon, leaving Xiaobao in the family, she worried that Xiaobao will become such a cold man after he grows up.

Fu Bo listened, euphemistically said, "Chu He, you seem to be a little misunderstood to our grandfather!"

"Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?"

"The lord is actually not that terrible!"

Fu Bo smiled and said, "The lord is actually a very gentle person."

The door suddenly sounded.

Fouber frowned and went to the door. A man in black stood at the door and his face was cold. "Fouber, what should I do? It happened!"

"what's up?"

Forbe said impatiently, "Speak up!"

"Is Dr. Cheng there?"

Dr. Cheng is a private doctor of Gu Zhai.

Fu Bo raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion. "What are you looking for?"

"A also accidentally knocked over the master's tea and was interrupted by the master. I wanted Dr. Cheng to hurry and take a look."

Forbe, "..."


It is indeed the style of the master.

But will this face be too fast?

His words just finished!

Master, ah, why are you so uneasy?

How does this make his old bones round?

He looked back a little embarrassed, but he saw Chu He staring at him silently, his eyes even more addictive.

Forbe immediately rebuked, "This kind of little thing, you need to find me!? You will not call the doctor!"

"Doctor can't get through the phone!"

"Then call you his assistant!"

After he screamed, the man nodded immediately.

Fu Bo closed the door, turned around, and smiled a little, and walked to the bedside of Chu He, but he listened to Chu He’s faint words, “gentle people?”

"This... the newcomer will not do anything! Hehe..." Fouber wiped a cold sweat and suddenly turned his face. He said with guilty conscience, "The lord is just a bad temper!"

"Is it just bad temper?"

Chu He was cold and cold. "If Xiao Bao stays in the family, he will influence him. When he grows up, will he be as violent and cold-blooded as he is?!"


Fouber was speechless.

"Xiao Bao, this child, is very kind."

Chu He said again, "If you are in the family, you will often be so stunned. When you grow up, you will become a numb person!"

The cold sweat of Fu Bo was slammed down.

"Girl, so, what do you mean?"

"I want to take Xiaobao to leave here."

"Master will not agree!"

Chu He asked, "Do I still follow his advice?"

"Master is also the biological father of Xiao Bao, isn't it?"

Chu He stunned.

Fu Bo said again, "No matter what, there is something to tell you clearly! The lord likes Xiaobao very much. I originally thought that according to the temper of the master, by the age of forty, there will not necessarily be children, but Xiaobao is very Cute, perhaps awakening the potential father's love."

(End of this chapter)

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