Chapter 2859, Mu Jia's wedding invitation

For the next week, Chu He worked hard to rehabilitate.

Her body loss was very serious. As the doctor said, when I was working at Interpol, the overdraft was serious and there were countless injuries.

In order to raise the body, Fu Bo, according to the doctor's doctor's advice, took the Chinese medicine to her in the pharmacy every day, and gave her medicine for her treatment.

Chinese medicine is very bitter, Chu He rarely touches Chinese medicine, but, eager to recover the body, and then bitter, she has to endure it.

Gu Jia has his own Chinese pharmacy and also has his own private doctor.

Just the main house, there are four or five doctors.

Gu Jinglian is very convinced of Chinese things.

This point, Chu He is the most understandable.

He wrote the action, using a brush and rice paper, equipped with doctors, three Chinese medicine, and one Western medicine.

The main house of Gujia still retains the appearance of the old house a hundred years ago. After that, it has been refurbished and designed a beautiful Chinese courtyard. The rockery is flowing, and everything you see everywhere is full of classical charm!

Gu Jia even specially invited the well-known Mr. Feng Shui to design Feng Shui. This piece of land occupied by the original home of the house is a famous Feng Shui treasure.

Feng Shui treasure, don't underestimate these four words, but there is a lot of attention, there is a deep learning.

After the family back home, sitting on the green dragon, right is the white tiger, a dragon and a tiger, and lived the entire house.

There is a case in front of the mountain, there is a famous temple in the middle, the water is winding, the wind is gathering, the Nafon is rich, and the wealth is very rich.

The vastness of the family outside the home can accommodate thousands of horses, which can lead to the future generations of Pengcheng Wanli, and the prosperity of the road.

Natural landscapes, town house floors, resisting all disasters, homes are auspicious, prosperous and healthy.

This kind of Feng Shui treasure land, how many people are coveted!

Beijing, only the home of Mujia and Gujia, is so designed!

Chu He originally thought that when she woke up, Gu Jinglian would have more martyrdom for her.

For seven days, she had never seen Gu Jinglian, and Fobo promised her that when she recovered better, she would let her see Chu Xiaobao. When she was in peacetime, she could only stand at the window and secretly look at her.

She has no complaints and understands the good intentions of Forbe.

After all, she is now so weak and sick, let the children see, and it is inevitable.

Although Xiaobao is young, he is very spiritual. He knows how to be considerate. If he sees her so sick, he will be worried.

At first, she could only get out of bed and walk around in the room, but her willpower was amazingly strong. The average person, the body lost so, the rehabilitation period will be very painful.

We must know that her legs are degraded seriously. Once they walked on the ground, the muscles twitched and cramped, and it was difficult to stand still.

But she insisted on walking, she was really tired, took a break, and insisted on going half a quarter of an hour.

On the third day, she was able to walk to the back garden herself.

The doctor said that more sun exposure, more calcium, is good for bones.

Chu He remembered that when the sun came out, she walked to the courtyard.

On the sixth day, she was able to run, and the speed of recovery was amazing, but Forbe was shocked by the eyes.

Chu He’s heart was silently thinking about raising his body as soon as possible. If there is an opportunity, he will leave Chu’s home with Chu Xiaobao.

At the same time, however, Gu Jinglian received an invitation from Mujia.

In the night, he was reading in the study room, and Fobo knocked on the door and whispered, "Master, are you busy?"

Gu Jinglian does not lift his head. "What is it?"

Song Enya is going to be bad luck!

(End of this chapter)

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