Chapter 2863 Uncle laughed!

When I got on the bus, Gu Jinglian took him to the child's seat. The little guy was very curious about this thing. He poked his finger and curiously asked, "Hey? This car is also installed on this car?"

This safety seat is still requested by Gu Jinglian.

The black Bentley Continental is Gu Jinglian's exclusive car, but he listened to Fu Bo, if it is Xiaobao sitting in the car, it is best to install a safety seat, safe for children.

Gu Jinglian did not express her sympathy at the time. She only snorted and seemed to disagree.

However, Fu Bo carefully discovered that the next day, Gu Jinglian sent people to install it, shook his head and sighed!

This lord, knife mouth, tofu heart, although Xiaobao is superficially disgusting, cold and cool, but in fact, it still cares.

Gu Jinglian poked his face coldly, "Give me a seat!"

Tsundere like him, he will not say, for the safety of Xiaobao, he specially loaded it.

Xiao Baoan sat down in a place and did not speak.

Gu Jinglian will take the safety belt to him.

Along the way, Xiaobao's mood is particularly good, twisting his head and looking out the window, good mood, just like the weather outside the window is as clear!

His two short legs were squatting, and he did not pay attention to him and kicked Gu Jinglian.

Gu Jinglian immediately knocked on a burst of chestnuts, "An points!"

Xiaobao had to hold his forehead and looked at him with grievances. Tucao said, "How are you so violent? You knock on Xiaobao’s head like this, Xiaobao will become stupid!"

Gu Jinglian looked back coldly. "You are so stupid, and you can be stupid."

He is also a bit skeptical.

His IQ is no longer good, and it is also above the higher level.

How did he have a son, but did not inherit the genes of his high IQ.

According to Fu Bo, just got into the kindergarten, the teacher had a problem, an apple plus two apples, the little guy actually said that it was equal to zero.

The teacher asked the reason, but this little bit of a point still plausibly said: "Because I have eaten it! Not equal to zero!"

This stalk, Fu Bo smiled for five days.

The method of Gu Jinglian was even more rude. He gave him three apples and forced him to eat.

Three apples, where can he eat?

Holding it for a long time, I can’t move!

Gu Jinglian asked him, "An apple plus two apples is equal to a few apples?"

Xiaobao counted his fingers and looked at the remaining half of the apple on the table. He said wrongly, "There is still one and a half!"

Gu Jinglian's tall nose was almost discouraged by him.

How can it be so stupid? !

Xiao Bao naturally asked him, "If you know that I am stupid, do you still think I am not stupid enough?"

Gu Jinglian glanced at him. "Your skull is flattened by my fist and will not become more stupid."


Xiaobao "snacked" and swallowed nervously, and heard the hidden threats in his words, so I dare not speak!


This uncle is so rough and rude.

If you don’t agree, you have to flatten him...

Xiaoxiao said with courage, "It’s right on TV! With the king like a tiger."

Gu Jinglian stunned him, and Xiaobao thought that he had to slap him and quickly protect his head.

Because of his so funny little gesture, Gu Jinglian actually broke the power for a second, and his mouth was slightly tilted.

Xiaobao saw him laughing, pointing at his mouth and saying, "Wow! Uncle, you laughed! I found you laughing so handsome..."

(End of this chapter)

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