Chapter 2880 Gu Jinglian's Means 3

I saw that everyone in a black suit was surrounded by a hospital gate. A large road was parked with a row of black cars. The road was crowded and the car was unreasonable!

Pedestrians feel inexplicable and are scared by the amazing array of doormen.

To say that this family of people, behaviors and things, still retain the black bang arrogant pie, for the purpose, do not hesitate to stop, or even hesitate to make things bigger.

The dean rushed to the hospital, and a small leader of the family came out. He pointed to his face and said that if the hospital did not drive the Song family out, he immediately smashed the hospital.

Call the police?

Is the alarm useful?

Even the policeman was jealous.

Outside the road, the police kept order on the side of the road, but they turned a blind eye to these people.

The dean was helpless and ran to the intensive care unit. He was pleased to invite Jiang Yumeng to take people away.

Jiang Yan dreams that it is incredible. Song Zhenguo and Song Enya are still transfused. This oxygen tube is still inserted, so that they will immediately roll over and leave?

Too unpopular!

As a result, the Song family and the hospital have had conflicts. In the ten minutes of this dispute, the family was full of enthusiasm and smashed the emergency room.

The emergency room is full of dozens of millions of rescue equipment, and the dean has a distressed liver!

He is the dean, but this hospital is not his, the loss of these millions, once it is caused, it is his responsibility!

Seeing Gu Jialai really, the hospital will not be sympathetic, and almost even rushed to take the Jiang Yu dream to the hospital!

Song Zhengguo and Song Enya were still lying in bed, and even the bed was blasted out.

Song Enya lost too much blood, eager to transfuse blood, at stake, Song Jianjun put forward an idea, said to go to the hospital of junqu.

This hospital is the background of junqu, Gu Jinglian is so powerful that it is not going to get there!

Jiang Yumeng was also anxious, and he was rushed to the hospital. So, Song Jianjun opened his contacts, shouted a car, and immediately turned to the hospital.

When I went to the hospital, it was already the evening, and the people of Gu’s family did not come to the door.

So thrilling, Jiang Yan dream was tired and wolverine, lying in the chair in the ward, and suddenly slept.

Song Jianjun was worried about another accident. He sent someone to stay in the hospital and went back.

On the evening of the same day, it was quite safe. On the second day of the morning, Gu Jinglian learned that Jiang Yanmeng had been arranged by this hospital to Song Jianjun, and the people of Gujia came to the door with great momentum!


Throughout the foyer, the people who called the family were uncomfortable.

Jiang Yan dreams or sleepy eyes, I heard a nurse ran to the ward in a panic, this Song Zhengguo and Song Enya in the same ward, she came over, and without saying anything, the needles for blood transfusion and infusion were removed!

Jiang Yanmeng still doesn't know what is going on. Seeing her pulling the needle, she rushed to the front and asked her why she should do this.

The nurse said with anger, "There is someone coming to the hospital! It is said that Gujia sent people, saying that we want to drive you out of the hospital! Otherwise, the whole hospital will be paralyzed!"

"He dares?!"

This hospital is the central junqu background!

He dare to marry? !

Gu Jinglian ate the bear heart leopard and couldn’t do it! ?

The power of the family has not reached such a madness? !


Jiang Yan dreamed of having Song Jianjun support and said, "Do you know who is lying on this bed!?"

(End of this chapter)

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