Chapter 2886 is awesome

Xiao Bao scared his eyes and he was about to burst out!

Unbelievable, just like magic!

Xiaobao felt extremely amazing, but he was suspicious. He suddenly reached out and grabbed Gu Jinglian’s big hand. He carefully examined it. Rao was a little bit of a trail. He could read it carefully and found nothing strange. For a time, he felt that he was full of questions!

"Maybe it is a coincidence!"

Xiaobao said, "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! You throw another one to try!"

Fu Bo teased him. "What time do you want to be?"


Gu Jinglian almost did not hesitate, lost the blind directly, the blind man turned on the table for a long time, and finally settled, a little upwards!


Gu Jinglian threw it again, and the precise three points were correct.

"It’s weird." Xiaobao licked his head in confusion, and did not expect Gu Jinglian to have such an operation.

There is such an operation!

Xiao Bao suddenly curiously said, "If you throw two dice, can you throw the same amount?"

Gu Jinglian said, "Come two dice."

Fouber immediately rummaged through the cabinet and found two scorpions for him, plus the one in his hand, a total of three scorpions.

Fu Bo took the sieve again, Gu Jinglian threw three scorpions into the pick up, two slender fingers pinched the sieve, and played it in the hands, slammed against the table, and looked at the eyebrows.

Xiaobao glanced at him and saw him signaling that he had opened the sieve. So he curiously extended his small hand and uncovered the sieve. He discovered that the three blinds were exactly one point.

He is even more messy in the wind!

"Uncle is so good! I am convinced!"

Gu Jinglian was flattered by him. He was a little bit flustered and snorted. "It’s just a little trick!"

"Can you teach me how to play!?"

Xiaobao is holding a small fist and his eyes are full of yearning. He feels that Gu Jinglian’s skills are so powerful, too cool, and he can throw a few when he wants to throw a few.

He should not be the legendary mysterious magician! ?

Gu Jinglian said, "Why teach you? You are so stupid, you can't learn!"

"I will learn with humility! I will practice well! It will be harder, I will definitely learn it!"

Xiaobao’s eyes are incomparable, and Gu Jinglian has tasted a little sweetness. He even wants to show off his skills in front of this little guy, so that this little bit will worship himself and worship as a god.

Fu Bo squinted at Gu Jinglian, a bit disgusted, did not expect the master to have such a childish side, even with a little guy is true.

However, such a master is a bit cute!

Fu Bo was looking at them with relief. Outside the door, his men came to inform that Jiang Yan was in the doorway, and he couldn’t keep going. There is still no intention to leave!

"People will not have an accident? After all, it is at the doorstep of Gujia. It is inevitable that people will have a long and short time."

"How to say?"

"Jiang Yan dreams and wants to see the master side! Fu Bo, you see, or let the master personally go and see?"

Fu Bo went to Gu Jinglian and said this thing. Gu Jinglian said coldly. "Do you want me to come out in person? She refused to leave and interrupted her leg."

Fu Bo coolly said, "There has been a fight, but she doesn't know how. After eating the scales, I have to see you, Master, you look at it personally!"

(End of this chapter)

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