Chapter 2889, don't kill

So, the little ruthlessly sympathetic to Jiang Yan dreams, "Auntie, are you letting me go? Or else, you will be very miserable!"

Jiang Yan dream, "..."

Xiaobao seems to be very pitiful to her, saying, "This uncle, not only kills people but does not blink, and the means are terrible! Don't misunderstand! I have nothing to do with him, I am not so important to him, you must not think about it. It’s useless to threaten him with me."


"You will only die more badly."

The fub wind is messy.

This little is not a point, I don’t know how to think of it. I even dreamed of Jiang Yan’s dream. I just made this nervous scene a little nervous!

Jiang Yan dreamed and screamed, "You shut up!"

Gu Jinglian said, "Jiang Yan Meng, do you think that using this child can threaten me? Give you three seconds and let him go."

"Gu Jinglian, do you think I will trust you again? Or..."

Gu Jinglian interrupted her, "1."



Jiang Yan dreams inexplicably, scared to retreat, Gu Jinglian raised his eyebrows, counted to "3", only listened to the "砰", a gunshot, a bullet smashed the airflow, whistling, slammed through her shoulder.


Jiang Yan dreamed of subconsciously letting go, the dagger fell to the ground, Xiao Bao immediately broke away from her bondage, jumped from her arms, did not forget to step on her foot, and then ran to Gu Jinglian .

Behind him, Jiang Yan Meng immediately got up, grabbed the dagger on the ground, and went to the back of Xiao Bao!

Fu Bo was so shocked that he opened his mouth and exclaimed that he had not yet escaped. On the side, Gu Jinglian rushed forward and held Xiaobao in his arms. A good flying kick, Jiang Yan dreamed with a dagger. .

Just between the electric stone sparks, Jiang Yanmeng's shoulder was kicked by Gu Jinglian and flew out, while Gu Jinglian's arm was guarded by Xiaobao, and she was caught off guard. She was scratched a hole in her dagger.

Gu Jinglian did not notice that she was injured, or Xiao Bao’s eyes were found. His clothes were stained with red blood and his clothes were broken. He seemed to be hurt and feared. “Uncle, you are injured...”

He is embarrassed and worried in his heart.

Fu Bo rushed over and took the child from Gu Jinglian. He also found the strangeness in his arm and was amazed.

"Master, you are hurt, let me see, where is the injury?"

Gu Jinglian never put himself in danger, but this is the first time in his life because the child was injured.

Gu Jinglian pushed him away, turned around and looked at Jiang Yumeng, cold and authentic, "Looking for death."

After all, he stepped forward and grabbed her throat and smashed her whole person.

Even if the arm is injured, it is still very powerful.

Jiang Yan dreams his feet hanging, his neck pinched in his hands, constantly making a "beep" bone joint dislocation sound, she clings to his arm, his legs are smashing, his eyes are congested, and the whole face rises into pig liver color. A few want to suffocate.

"No... no... no... don't kill..."

Jiang Yan dreams to escape a few characters, full of pain and despair.

Gu Jinglian was indifferent, and more and more close to her throat, Xiaobao saw this scene, frightened, and immediately said, "Uncle, stop!"

Fu Bo was a little surprised, but he saw Xiao Bao break free from his arms and went to Gu Jinglian's front and hugged his leg. "Uncle, you let her go! Don't kill her."

The next chapter is the reunion of mother and child.

(End of this chapter)

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