One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2904: I am a deep love for you 11

Chapter 2904, I, you, a deep love 11

Like Xiao Xiaochen, just born, a small face flushed red, crumpled, the nurse said it was beautiful, but he felt that it was ugly!

But he knows that this is the child just born, not yet open!

But looking at the child's eyebrows, I know that after the long opening, it must be very beautiful!

Like Xiao Yuchen, it is like Yuyou.

However, the child suddenly did not cry, he raised his head nervously and asked, "Why didn't she cry?"

The nurse smiled and said, "We have seen it for the first time! When we were in our arms, we still cried so badly! When it came to your arms, I cried and didn't cry!"

"It’s probably the father and the daughter have a heart!?"

"Sir, you can rest assured that we have checked and the baby is very healthy!"

The heart of Mu Yazhe is fixed, the baby is healthy, it is a good thing!

The more he looked at the little angel in his arms, the more he felt satisfied, the smile in his eyes, and his expression relaxed.

He smiled, and the child's mouth was sketched shallowly, like laughing.

He was amazed, so he took the child to the front of Yun Shishi and said softly, "Wife, look, Yue Yao is laughing!"

Yun Shishi supported the handrail of the bed, and supported it half-sitting. She suddenly smiled weakly. "I can't see it..."

Mu Yazhe listened, and some of her heart was not a taste.

"Can you touch her?"

The nurse said, "Well, yes."

So, she reached out and touched, and even touched the child's slightly curled mouth, and also surprised: "Hey? Really laughing!"

Mu Yazhe worried that she had no strength to sit down, so she took her child closer and let her look close to her child.

The poetry of the poetry of poetry has suddenly surged!

When she first learned that she was pregnant, she was caught off guard. She thought that there were two small treasures, Yu You and Xiao Yu Chen, which were enough to make a noise!

But until I saw this little guy with my own eyes, she felt infinitely in her heart, and her eyes couldn’t help but wet. Suddenly she felt that she was suffering, and it was not sinister!

The child can be born healthily, and she suffers from those sufferings, it is worth it!

"so cute!"

Her motherhood was suddenly spurred to the extreme, and she also had to hold her child. Mu Yazhe carefully looked after her, but found that although she was exhausted, she could still hold her when she was holding her child. This is probably motherhood. Power!

"Yue Yao, you are finally here! Dear and Mommy have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Yun Shishi said, gently kissed her eyebrows.

She touched the child's eyes, still couldn't open it, closed her eyes, a pair of eyelashes long, thick, a little slightly upturned, but this is like her father.

In her warm arms, the child suddenly opened his mouth and snorted, his mouth squirmed, and he instinctively wanted to **** something!

The nurse is happy, "This is to eat milk!"

Yun Shishi asked, "Can you eat now?"

"Don't hurry to feed it!... The little guy is really embarrassed, not too noisy, so many of the baby just out, crying is amazing!"

"This must be like Dad?"

Mu Yazhe's face was red and red, and it was shy!

"Don't tell me, Dad is shy!"

Yun Shishi heard the nurse say that he was shy, with a smile on his lips, "husband, you have to be a father again!"

(End of this chapter)

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