One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2915: I am a deep love for you 22

Chapter 2915, I promise you a deep love 22

"I am not fragrant?"

Xiao Yuchen’s eyes were pumped and he really smelled it.

"Well! The aroma of shower gel!"

“Is there a taste of Chinese medicine?”

Thank you for reminding me, Xiao Yuchen was shocked. "No, I can't smell it!"

Strange, every time he finished the medicine, the Chinese medicine on his body was very rich.

He asked a little nervously: "What is going on, you should not drink medicine?"



Every time he finishes drinking, he will be medicinal.

"You don't want to lie to your brother. If you stop taking it, it will..."

"I said I drank!"

Youyou said, "However, I wiped a lot of shower gel and wiped the fragrance. This kind of fragrance, my sister should not dislike me!"

Xiao Yuchen smiled and nodded.

However, Yuyou did not rush to hug Yueyao, but then secretly stopped the medicine for two days, until the Chinese medicine was broken for two days, and there was no smell in the body, and he was relieved.

However, when he stood in front of the crib and looked down at the crib lying in the crib and squinting his little feet, he was a little timid!

He solemnly raised his arm, smelled the sleeves, and couldn't smell a little medicine. Then he took a deep breath and smiled slightly.

Because, he is afraid, this time he no longer has a medicinal taste. At this time, the reason for resisting the taste of traditional Chinese medicine is not established!

What if my sister cries again?

That is really hating him!

He is so scared that his sister doesn't like him!

Xiao Yuchen agitated, "Youyou, what are you doing? You are not saying that you want to hold your sister?"

Youyou has been forced to repeat it again and again. After a long period of entanglement, this carefully took Xiaoyue Yao in his arms.

Looking at the little corps in my arms, I saw the little things ignorantly with the thumbs, and looked at him with a pair of curious eyes. The heartbeat of Youyou suddenly accelerated, worried that she would cry out the next second!

Mu Yazhe looked at him at the side, but when he saw Youyou holding Yueyao, his expression was extremely pious and solemn, as if he was in his arms, it was a sacred little angel, and no one could tolerate it!

She stared at him, he also looked at her, Yuyou was staring at her curiously, and some did not feel that she held her breath.

The little things haven’t opened yet, and the face is fleshy, this is the real baby fat, a pair of eyes, the eyelids are slightly swollen, but the eyeballs are black like agate, but they are smart. The breath is like the most clear spring in the world!

Just when he was nervous, he saw the little things in his arms, and he bent his eyes, his round eyes bent into two small crescents, a tender smile, no sound, but the heart melted. !

When she laughed, it was especially beautiful. At that moment, Yuyou really felt like seeing an angel smiling!

The nervous emotion on his face immediately disappeared. He looked up excitedly and said to Mujazhe, "Hey! My sister smiled at me!"

"I saw it!"

Yu You was very touched, gently licking his face on her face and making a clear laugh.

"Sister, I am your brother! My name is Youyou, hello."

Youyou lifted his eyes, and his eyes fell on Xiaoyue Yao’s soft face, and a pair of handsome **** contained a smile.

He gently sighed like a blue, "Yue Yao, welcome!"

Welcome to this world!

Welcome to his side!

(End of this chapter)

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