One Child Two Treasures: The Billionaire Chief’s Good Wife

Chapter 2931: I am a deep love for you 39

Chapter 2931 gives you a deep love 39

He bit his lip and seemed to have made a solemn decision to go back to the room. He turned a phone call on his mobile phone and hesitated for a long time and called out...

"Doctor Cheng?"


"Well, it is me."


"Can you arrange the surgery immediately?... Well, yes... I made a decision..."


This doctor is the authoritative expert in Huajin's contact. It is impossible to remove the cornea in the living body, but it is greatly moved by the persistence of Huajin. Concealingly, he knows that there is a channel to peel off the cornea of ​​the living person.

However, this is against the law, so his words are extremely concealed and do not show the dew.

Han Jin communicated with him on the phone. He roughly agreed on the cost and time of the operation and hung up the phone.

He sat on the bed and pondered for a long time. If there is no fear of surgery, it is absolutely impossible. However, if it is a poem of Yun, she can make her eyes, but she also feels happy!

The main thing is that after waiting for more than ten months, he has exhausted his patience.

I really want him to wait for the corneal donor, but I don't know if I want to go to the monkey year, so he thought, just use his own cornea to match.

Huajin stood up and walked to the door before opening the door, but seeing the doorway. Yun Shishi stood at the door. A pair of eyes were empty and there was no focal length. When she heard the door opening, she twisted her eyebrows and slightly opened her lips. "Flower Jin...?"

Her voice was a little shuddering and she had a sigh of relief.

The flower koi squatted for a moment, and she didn’t know how long she stood at the door. How long did she stand, and how long it took him to talk to the doctor on the phone through the door!


He just came out with a word, and Yun Shishi raised his hand and fanned him.

But this slap in the face is just to wake him up, not many, but she is shaking and her eyes are red. "You just said that you have to do a corneal dissection? Is it the cornea that you plan to use, transplant it to me?" ”

Han Jin calmed her face, her forehead covered her eyes, she didn't talk, or because she was guilty, she didn't know how to respond to her anger!

"I won't want your eyes!"

Yun Shishi’s attitude is resolute and arrogant. “I can’t see you in this life, and I won’t want your eyes! I don’t want to! If you dare to carry me like this, I will break with you!”


The flower was anxious, frightened, and immediately grabbed her hand and screamed with great enthusiasm. "Sister, I know it is wrong, don't be angry, okay?"

Yun Shishi opened his hand and was still very angry!

Hua Jin was even more anxious, and quickly said, "I am just... I just want your eyes to get better soon!"

Yun Shishi suddenly froze, Hua Jin knows that she is really angry, and immediately please her. "Poetry, I am wrong, sorry, good? You must not be angry with me!" I promise you, I will not mention this matter! Surgery, I will not sneak you to do it secretly! But... I really feel bad about you, I have never said it before, if it really one day, you Nothing can be seen, I will be your eyes! However, I did not expect that this day is coming!"

Hua Jin went around her and nervously said, "Do you know how much I know when you are blind? I think it must be that I said bad things, this is fulfilled!"

(End of this chapter)

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